Funny Bunny

Funny Bunny

A Story by sunnydaisy






He’s the spice to my recipe.  One night in hopes of impressing me with his excellent cooking skills my husband went and bought chicken at the grocery store.  He was going to BBQ that night along with all the cooking and cleaning.  When he got home, I was told to go get my comfy clothes on.  I would never pass that opportunity up so I went down the hall to the bedroom and picked out the comfiest clothes I owned.  I could hear the children in the kitchen asking daddy all kinds of questions about what he was doing in mommy’s kitchen.  Soon all was quiet, too quiet in fact for having the children in there with him.  Moms like me know that when it falls silent something weird is going on.  I walked down the hall to find the kids staring there in a petrified state, totally still with wide eyes and their chins dropping to the floor.  Jim was ripping the chicken apart with his bare hands.  Unfortunately, not knowing the rules of the kitchen goddess game, he had bought a whole chicken rather than one the butcher had already cut.  Our knives at the time were dull, too dull to cut a chicken.  The children still talk about that poor chicken being pulled apart.

He’s the laugh to my belly.  My sweet husband has a terrible problem of getting sleepy when he’s driving.  It is the most maddening thing to me when we are driving along and he is slowly closing his eyes in sleepiness.  He is stubborn.  When I say pull over I’ll drive, he goes off on some tangent about I’m not sleepy.   He says “I was just checking the speedometer.”  On one of our longer trips I knew I had to do something to keep him awake.  I said “if you open your mouth really wide when you get sleepy you won’t be able to close your eyes.”  He dismisses my silliness “yeah, yeah.”  After dozing off myself I awaken to look over at him with his mouth wide open and our fellow travelers in all the cars around us staring at the man in the driver’s seat with his mouth wide open and his eyes open wide.  What they must have been thinking!

He’s the dance to my step.  Once in a while my husband will be standing there telling me a happy story about work, or what has made his day especially good.  You can see the shine on his face as he recites the story.  When we are through with that particular conversation he throws in what he calls a gratuitous dance move.  This dance move usually involves his standing vertical, leaning a bit to the front of his body, kicking one leg bent and to the back with an arm wave to the front.  Then he’ll say “you like that?  “That move was for you.”  I can’t help but to laugh at his gratuitous dance move, although, I don’t know if it is ever necessary.

He’s the electric to my disco ball.  Speaking of Jim’s gratuitous dance moves, when we go dancing he knows but one move.  It’s called the gopher move.  If you remember that gopher in the movie Caddy Shack, he dances to the Kenny Loggins song I’m Alright.  Yep, you’ve guessed it.  The only dance move Jim really knows and immolates.  You would be surprised how many girls want me to move over to let them dance with him. 

I’m in love with this person not because of the way he walks, moves his eyes, what he wears or by the way he eats his chicken.  I love this person because of all these little things he does.  That he may or may not be aware of.  Tearing chicken up to hide the fact that he didn’t buy one already cut, or the sleeping at the wheel, and those lovely dance moves is all we need to have the laugh that keeps our marriage together.


© 2013 sunnydaisy

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With all the stories I hear about and read with marriages falling apart, it was nice to read about a marriage that seems to get it right. Good job.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 27, 2013
Last Updated on March 27, 2013