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Words Like Snow

Words Like Snow

A Poem by Beatrice Mars

Your words are coming Thick and Fast now, Just like the Snow outside my window But they're (it's) not at all Beautiful. Your words are cold..
a bird in april

a bird in april

A Poem by nightmask

small poems and I'll b updating allot more
Similie-"A City In Ruins"

Similie-"A City In Ruins"

A Poem by PoeT4994

This seems like a dark poem, and it is. It was written to bring light to a dark subject. Because there ARE people out there that are in this amount ..
I Like Me

I Like Me

A Poem by Ki

About confidence
I Am Winter

I Am Winter

A Poem by Treo LeGigeo

Inspired by song lyrics
It's Like I Don't Know You Anymore

It's Like I Don't Know You Anymore

A Poem by NoAirToBreatheXSuffocateX

Saint (A Monster Like Me).

Saint (A Monster Like Me).

A Poem by Mel <3

When someone has been awful to a friend and they didn't mean it, what should they do? Well, this woman sings...
I love...

I love...

A Poem by Clyde du Coeur

A very personal poem from the -- archives.

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