Tags : fantasy

Venger: KC Card-Store [Romance of Boston]

Venger: KC Card-Store [Romance of Boston]

A Story by Abishai100

The Venus-sorcerer Venger transforms into human Amlan Satan and opens a baseball-cards store in Boston and seeks a cultured life of romance.
Part 8

Part 8

A Chapter by erifnidne

Down they walked. Past the darkened hub that was their home, they clambered down the opposite side of the mountain the carriage had dumped them on, he..
Part 9

Part 9

A Chapter by erifnidne

The four of them paused before the curling, black iron gates of Hamsen’s historical district. While it had already put the witches on edge to wa..
It Was After Our Small Shower

It Was After Our Small Shower

A Poem by Andrew Troy Keller

The author of this nove otto poem talks about what type of massage he had after he shared a shower with his date.
Independence Hall

Independence Hall

A Poem by AlphaDelta

Reflections about this place.
Judge Your Judgment

Judge Your Judgment

A Story by Linda Stinson Wells

Another story where a man plans to fly through life at someone else expense. Not even considering the thought that some day life would come back and b..
A fantasy

A fantasy

A Poem by Thelostgirl22

A poem for someone I had a deep connection with but wasn't meant to be