Tags : fantasy

The Academy

The Academy

A Story by A. Greene

A group of friends at a boarding school must uncover the dark secret at the center of their seemingly idyllic school life.
The End for a New Beginning

The End for a New Beginning

A Book by Saad Mansoor

The day the universe becomes shrouded in shadows, a brotherly bond shall mark the dragons rise.
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by brunettewanderer

Floating. She was floating, flying, and falling. She felt weightless and the world around her flipped like pages through her fingers. Sometimes it be..
A Million Conversations for a Million Days

A Million Conversations for a Million Days

A Story by angel frankie

This is a story about characters who go into a forest that turns out to be a world of magic with talking animals and mystery!
Batman's Daydream In The Shower

Batman's Daydream In The Shower

A Poem by Andrew Troy Keller

In this con-verse poem, the Batman returns from patrolling Gotham City and takes a shower only to see the Huntress do something with the Black Canary.
2. Plans

2. Plans

A Chapter by Jaan

Another evening spent talking, doing business and having fun. Then a sleepless night, thinking about the coming change. And then, ..
5. What fills your days?

5. What fills your days?

A Chapter by Jaan

As it was custom in such situations, the lord allowed his new serf some days of rest before his new life would start in earnes..
6. We meet again

6. We meet again

A Chapter by Jaan

They walked away, the watchman guiding, and reached a barn where two lads were waiting for them. They fetched some heavy tools..
Shattered Reflections

Shattered Reflections

A Book by SamwisetheGay

A large museum houses an ancient mirror that has been scattered across Ireland and put back together yet is missing one last piece. One day a young ma..


A Chapter by SamwisetheGay

Takes place in the year 1267, a young girl wanders into the woods her parents warned her about, and she meets her fate.
She Felt Her Body Was Still On Fire

She Felt Her Body Was Still On Fire

A Poem by Andrew Troy Keller

What suddenly happens after one person has a certain tryst with a lover is being explained in this triquain poem.
Profound Pigments

Profound Pigments

A Poem by William Michael Reeves

A colorful Crown of Cinquain
Inside One Person's Possible Wet Nightmare

Inside One Person's Possible Wet Nightmare

A Poem by Andrew Troy Keller

This etheree poem is about the one possible scene that happens inside one person's nightmare.
Trust Me, I'm Weird

Trust Me, I'm Weird

A Story by Terry Bartley

An adventuring party is moving through a desert.
Obedience and Opposition

Obedience and Opposition

A Story by Terry Bartley

A first-born princess isn't ready to take on her responsibility yet.