Tags : swords

The Haughty Cavaliers

The Haughty Cavaliers

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

They came by the Inn that morning, A troop of Cavaliers, With their swords and buckles shining, And ringlets round their ears, The..


A Book by Anthony L

First book in a trilogy. Still in the works.
~Communion of Poets

~Communion of Poets

A Poem by Frieda P

“I act as the tongue of you,... tied in your mouth . . . . in mine it begins to be loosened.”―Walt WhitmanThe spaces between us grow..
Shadows of the Past

Shadows of the Past

A Chapter by Walczak

After saying his farewells to Rowan and the farm, his second home, for what could be the last time, Danny sets out to fulfil his promise to Piers and ..
Hung Justice

Hung Justice

A Chapter by Walczak

After a hard knight of drinking to the memory of his dead friend, Danny aids Martyn in taking down a band of smugglers.
Cherry Blossoms

Cherry Blossoms

A Chapter by Walczak

Despite his fear of seeing the cherry blossoms, Danny finally visits the home of Piers, to return the man's sword to his father, and to fulfil his fin..
Gone But Not Forgotten

Gone But Not Forgotten

A Chapter by Walczak

Danny now faces the father of his dead friend and helps to provide closure for not only the man but also himself.