Tags : City

a day in the life of Eli Foxx: A very short day

a day in the life of Eli Foxx: A very short day

A Story by rex eynon

a small boy who lives on his own takes his larger than normal companion for a stroll in the city of the future.
Tiny Bird

Tiny Bird

A Poem by InkedLance

This piece is mostly about the devaluation of innocence and sentiment due to constraints produced by time and cold formality accompanying urbanisation..
More Like A Candle

More Like A Candle

A Poem by Jack Cassidy

Walking the streets of Houston at night.


A Story by Kaden

Science Fiction story I wrote for English class. I had to shorten it to fit into the 5-page limit, but I'm still really pleased with how it came out.


A Story by Arianna Graczyk

A man who feels that his life is no longer worth living decides to jump off a bridge. Before he does, however, he meets a peculiar boy who shows him h..
City Streets

City Streets

A Poem by Jack...

The city may sleep, but my thoughts of you never will
Drugs, Sweat, and Acid Rain

Drugs, Sweat, and Acid Rain

A Poem by kera moondust

something a little urban that I'm not sure what spawned.


A Story by S.S. Petrichor

What if scientists had the technology to make stillborn children live?


A Poem by Vanessa Pavelock

City buildings lean forward to listen,but they cannot hear the whisperednothings you tossed around the nightbefore--mi mariposa, mi pajarito, butnever..


A Poem by Naomi Bloom

A poem about the palm of my hand.


A Story by TJ

A London girl takes revenge for the murder of her brother
Coming Home

Coming Home

A Poem by Rachel Landes

Coming home? Home is coming to me I am home In NYC
*Title still not determined*

*Title still not determined*

A Book by Dunn95

Basic idea as of now: Takes place during the 19th century (mid-Industrial Revolution), told in first-person narrative by the main character (as memori..
I. Introspection

I. Introspection

A Chapter by Dunn95

This chapter is really just meant to be an introduction but still part of the story, mostly to set the rest of the story into a motion. I am new to th..


A Poem by Julie Morgan

Swift shadows stalking The filthy city streets Working their way into The hearts of the innocent, Where hate just grew. It g..
Silk City PIT: 1. The Place

Silk City PIT: 1. The Place

A Poem by riskrapper

Point In Time Homeless Census
in-flight convergence

in-flight convergence

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

in-flight convergenceby Michael R. Burchserene, almost angelic,the lights of the city --------------- extendover lumbering behemothsshrilly screeching..
city lights

city lights

A Poem by september

city lightslook up and see all of the city lightsthey surround your every dream and thoughtthey're everywhere inside your soul-da na na na na na na na..