Tags : bible

A Prayer That Always Seems Relevant To Me

A Prayer That Always Seems Relevant To Me

A Poem by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

There is no option for "Prayer" so I chose Poem.
Spiritual Blindness

Spiritual Blindness

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

As Jesus was leaving from there, two blind men started following behind him, shouting out things like, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!” ..
Sent -- Shepherds, Sheep, and Harvest!

Sent -- Shepherds, Sheep, and Harvest!

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

And Jesus traveled around all the cities and the villages, teaching in the churches, and preaching the good news about the Kingdom. He healed everyone..
A “Friend” Unknown To Jesus

A “Friend” Unknown To Jesus

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

I was walking my dogs, and found myself meditating on Jesus' response to Judas in Matthew’s Gospel -- when Judas is in the process of betraying ..
True Story

True Story

A Poem by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Because we can end homelessness, we just don't want to; Because we can end wars, we just don't want to; We can take measures to stop violence, we just..
Being the Kingdom -- Comforting the Afflicted

Being the Kingdom -- Comforting the Afflicted

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Everywhere you go, announce that the Kingdom of Heaven is coming closer and closer all the time! Heal the sick! Raise the dead! Cleanse the lepers! Ca..
Who Is God?

Who Is God?

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

From My JournalNovember 29, 2011I have been thinking about who God is. I mean who God IS, not descriptors like “Creator,” “Judge,&rd..
Who Is God To Me?

Who Is God To Me?

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

From My JournalNovember 30, 2011But now, thus says the LORD,who created you, Jacob, and formed you, Israel:Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;I have..
Who Is God To Me A Year Later?

Who Is God To Me A Year Later?

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

From My JournalJanuary 1, 2013Who is God to me? God is lover. God is divine and perfect love"a love that is active. Part of me is uncomfortable expres..
End Days - Ch # 04 "The Three Plagues"

End Days - Ch # 04 "The Three Plagues"

A Chapter by dw817

It was an order of unholy, fabricated from the best of man and the worst of him. It was designed for the end of the world. It's citizens literally th..
Sheep Among Wolves

Sheep Among Wolves

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

“Check it out! I’m sending all of you out like sheep in the middle of a pack of wolves! So have some street sense, but make sure that your..
Declaring Friendship With Jesus -- And Vice Versa

Declaring Friendship With Jesus -- And Vice Versa

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

“A student doesn’t know more than his teacher. A slave isn’t of higher social rank than his owner. If the student is lucky, he&rsquo..
What Prayer Is

What Prayer Is

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

In November of 2011, when I decided that I was going to become a saint, and started doing the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola, I realized th..
End Days - Ch # 05 "Exodus (Rated R version)"

End Days - Ch # 05 "Exodus (Rated R version)"

A Chapter by dw817

Lorraine continued, "I want to taste you, David. And you yourself WANT to be tasted. Do not deny yourself this pleasure !" She then rolled her tongue..
End Days - Ch # 05 "Exodus (Rated TEEN version)"

End Days - Ch # 05 "Exodus (Rated TEEN version)"

A Chapter by dw817

Lorraine continued, "I want to taste you, David. And you yourself WANT to be tasted. Do not deny yourself this pleasure !" She then rolled her tongue..
There Are Two Kinds of People in the World: Those Who Love, And Those Who Cry Out To Be Loved

There Are Two Kinds of People in the World: Those ..

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

What if every human action is either an act of love, or a cry for love?What if the worst human actions are nothing more than a defiant act of crying o..
Winning the Gold

Winning the Gold

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

There is no Gold Medal Olympic Runner who sprang out of the womb knowing how to run, or how to win races. Every Gold Medal Olympic Runner who ever ran..
Putting out the Fire

Putting out the Fire

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

People who are hateful, bigoted, nasty and mean will never be stopped by being calling hateful, bigoted, nasty or mean. It is impossible to stop them ..
A Letter To Jesus

A Letter To Jesus

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

From My JournalJanuary 18, 2012Working The Spiritual Exercises of St. IgnatiusI am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Fa..