Tags : curse



A Poem by Emily

Stay away from that boy
Marked by Death

Marked by Death

A Story by Patrick Bruun

A cursed kid living in an isolated mountain village, where an unfortunate encounter happens.
The Misluck Curse

The Misluck Curse

A Book by JAW

Bruises can fade, and cuts can be easily patched up, but sometimes, the mental wounds take the longest to heal. For eight years old James, life is jus..
For Me

For Me

A Poem by Elvy-decoo

This is for me not you
Hiding in My Son

Hiding in My Son

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

living in shadow among all this light
Dark Bargain

Dark Bargain

A Story by Aurafiex

A lady contracts a necromancer to bring her dead lover back to life.
The Wolf's Secret

The Wolf's Secret

A Story by LeviUtopia

A hidden secret that not even the owner knows.
A Beautiful Curse

A Beautiful Curse

A Poem by Scarlet M.

I hope I will never have to write poetry again; about you, about me, about us. I hope I will never have to sit on my corner; my dying s..
The Rowan Cycle

The Rowan Cycle

A Chapter by Nora Begona

Deep within the Manor woods lies a place of myth and mystery, from which few return, and none remain unchanged. The Cotton Manor Wood may look like a ..
A Poet's Curse

A Poet's Curse

A Poem by heylel

my head was once much more than you, but now I’m trapped, in sync. and as you lead me down this road your lies fill me with ink.
Untitled Witch Story

Untitled Witch Story

A Book by heckos

Amet, a young witch, awakens in a strange earthen room, trapped by an unknown enemy.
Untitled Witch Story Chapter 1

Untitled Witch Story Chapter 1

A Chapter by heckos

Amet, a young witch, awakens in a strange earthen room, trapped by an unknown enemy.
Chapter Five: Look At Me

Chapter Five: Look At Me

A Chapter by Trista G.

The first thing I heard was sirens blaring in the distance. I could feel myself floating once again with nothing but the stars above me for comfort. ..
The Perfect Words

The Perfect Words

A Chapter by Zeitgeist Manifesto

Perfect Words
Lonely and Protected

Lonely and Protected

A Poem by Riley Justine

I want to be alone, but not lonely

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