Tags : heaven

A Fallen Warrior

A Fallen Warrior

A Book by Truth

The story of Drake, a human, and Truth, a fallen angel. After lusting over Drake, she falls from heaven and into Drake's life. This is the journey of ..
The Stranger- Chapter 10

The Stranger- Chapter 10

A Chapter by Freakette

The next few days consisted of Kendell coming to the manor far too early, waking me up, and teaching me things from the book. I had considered killi..
Fire; Angel

Fire; Angel

A Book by Princepessa

a book. methinks better than magia and my fave one. About angels and a completely new world/s. love it. hope you do to. EVERYONE READ THIS OR DIE> YOU..
The Fine Mingling

The Fine Mingling

A Story by mulderigj

A short novella I finished as my thesis. Please read and comment! I appreciate blunt honesty! Thank you!
The Last Hour...(or so)

The Last Hour...(or so)

A Poem by Mark

For Helena's latest contest, poems and short stories describing one's last day on Earth
A Place Called Heaven

A Place Called Heaven


Salvation's Contest