Tags : funeral

he did not want to hear

he did not want to hear

A Poem by Ryn

- He did not want to hear How the flowers grow Or why the sun rises But he had to Because that is what you do When your whole world crashes down..
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Nagendra Kumar Yadav T

A small meeting at PrimeMinister's office followed by funeral of Shivaram.


A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

I return to work after a couple of years in recovery. I think they only give me this time off because I’m such an oddity. No one else is like me..
March 21, 2014

March 21, 2014

A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

Mateo, Leona, and Prince Darko slipped out of the house quietly and headed for the street. Their phones were waiting for them on the steps. Danica had..


A Story by Peter Rogerson

A prehistoric election of a new and hopefully strong leader
Still Love You

Still Love You

A Poem by T.S. Claus

Sometimes we find ourselves dwelling in the past. We cannot let go of things that make or made us angry, sad, or in love, but sometimes these old emot..
The Big Adventure - A Childhood Cancer Story

The Big Adventure - A Childhood Cancer Story

A Book by Mollie

You've been 12 once haven't you? Or maybe you're already 12! Well then, you know how hard life can be at this age. School, parents, friends, drama, bo..
Dead People Give Me The Creeps

Dead People Give Me The Creeps

A Poem by J.R. Turner

So, as you may have gathered someone had died I don't really know him, but he is somehow related to me. I think on my grandfathers side. Anywho, here ..
Tombstone Key

Tombstone Key

A Story by Abaddon

What happens after you die? Is there an afterlife? Perhaps.
Microstory 297: Perspective Seventy-Three

Microstory 297: Perspective Seventy-Three

A Story by Nick Fisherman

This is an experimental Perspectives microstory. The introduction can be found in Microstory 225. More to follow.


A Story by Mikayla T

People are more than what you see on the outside
Dirty Secrets

Dirty Secrets

A Chapter by Greta Kassidy

III. Rhedon’s P.O.V. My music pauses and a loud ringing noise goes through my entire car. The disadvantage of listening to loud music. ..
Lover's Woes

Lover's Woes

A Poem by Esoptros

A poem of loss


A Poem by SheWasTheSun

This is a pretty dark poem that I thought up. I promise I'm not suicidal, I was just feeling thoughtful about life and death, and this is where it led..


A Poem by Peter Rogerson

At a young soldier's funeral his son wonders why God let it happen... and maybe experiences his first doubt.
Memento Mori

Memento Mori

A Poem by Nico

A piece that briefly explores my personal musings on death.
The Man I've Never Met

The Man I've Never Met

A Poem by A

Today I went to a funeral for the man I’ve never met 
Oceans of relatives washed around the body
 Drowning the figure in remembran..