Tags : hero

The Brooks Chronicles

The Brooks Chronicles

A Book by Luis Martinez

The title is a work in progress and I hope to have a finished title within the nest month or so.


A Chapter by Luis Martinez

This is the beginning of my new story idea.
Call of Duty

Call of Duty

A Poem by Quin

Up before the alarm Today's the day I leave I look at my daughter And start to grieve She starts to stir And I quickly stop Holding her t..
Shadows of the Past

Shadows of the Past

A Chapter by Walczak

After saying his farewells to Rowan and the farm, his second home, for what could be the last time, Danny sets out to fulfil his promise to Piers and ..
Hung Justice

Hung Justice

A Chapter by Walczak

After a hard knight of drinking to the memory of his dead friend, Danny aids Martyn in taking down a band of smugglers.
Cherry Blossoms

Cherry Blossoms

A Chapter by Walczak

Despite his fear of seeing the cherry blossoms, Danny finally visits the home of Piers, to return the man's sword to his father, and to fulfil his fin..
Gone But Not Forgotten

Gone But Not Forgotten

A Chapter by Walczak

Danny now faces the father of his dead friend and helps to provide closure for not only the man but also himself.
Shadows of the Past - Part Two

Shadows of the Past - Part Two

A Chapter by Walczak

Shadows of the Past - Part Two It was surprising how forgetful I could be sometimes. I sat on the end of Pie..
Of Manhunters And Murderers

Of Manhunters And Murderers

A Chapter by Walczak

Of Manhunters and Murderers We rode hard for the rest of the day, only stopping twice, the first time to take ..


A Book by AlannahRose

A Short Heroic Story

A Short Heroic Story

A Story by Bradley

Heroes are found in every day places.


A Story by DhaVerd

The campaign that's fought outside of the game.
A Knight's Requiem

A Knight's Requiem

A Chapter by Walczak

A Knight’s Requiem I was doing the right thing, or so I decided since what was the right and what was ..


A Chapter by Walczak

Hollowdell I caught my first glimpse of Martyn between two rocks. He was sitting beside the wreckage of the ..
The Hollow City

The Hollow City

A Chapter by Walczak

The Hollow City The road to Hollowdell was completely empty this time. There was no man standing in the mid..
In His Footsteps

In His Footsteps

A Chapter by Walczak

In His Footsteps “How exactly does one go about joining a war?” Martyn asked from his seat in fr..
Broken Blade

Broken Blade

A Chapter by Walczak

Broken Blade The farmlands we were headed for were situated to the west of Hollowdell. The impassable mount..
The Guardian's Son

The Guardian's Son

A Chapter by Walczak

The Guardian’s Son We lost eleven men in total, that includes both during our battle with Symonds men..