Beneath Still Waters

Beneath Still Waters

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

Beneath still waters lie lost memories, Of sullied dreams cast into seas. Yet mine lost in a thousand days, By my foreknown separate ways,


A Poem by Crash

short poem about hiding in plain site
Hard Lesson

Hard Lesson

A Poem by Katharine Eilene

I made this when I was depressed a few months ago. Just wanting to share.
I Wonder

I Wonder

A Poem by Amen_Poppies

This poem is about our questions on the life after this one.
The Path: Anticipation

The Path: Anticipation

A Poem by SparksLC

This is just something I've been contemplating. Oddly enough it really does matter to me though rofl.
Fools Star

Fools Star

A Poem by Akoka Folami

Inspired from stargazing at a moon veiled sky...
Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

A Poem by Cre8tive

Holding the weight of the world on her shouldersTo stare in the eyes of danger which is colderThan the North PoleThat’s what many are toldBut on..
What's Out There? (a poem)

What's Out There? (a poem)

A Poem by Joshua Donahue

a poem that asks the big question that I am sure many people wonder about


A Poem by Nicole Alexandra

The clock was ticking asI walked alone along the dimmingtrail in silent anticipation, leaves were forming spirals while my skin drank in the br..
Savannah, Within A Month

Savannah, Within A Month

A Poem by Elephants & Coyotes

Once, when my curls still tickled, only the tops of my ears,Mum quietly ironed my daddy's pants - he ate his cold grits and eggs.She thought I didn't ..
Desire is a black hole

Desire is a black hole

A Story by Mitchell J.U.

This was originally posted as erotic story as you will see in the beginning this label would be correct. But there is more to this story than what app..


A Poem by WilliamDagursson

And everything standing still / as it did before...