All The Same But Different

All The Same But Different

A Poem by Anna

The pretty flowers in her rosey hair are wilting,his canons don't fire as strong as they use to do.My reflection isn't as tall as I remember it being,..
The Violet Elves (excerpt)

The Violet Elves (excerpt)

A Story by Personne

This is a very rough story I started a long time ago. I did some world-building for it, but it is all very rough. However, I would appreciate any feed..
My Beautiful Curse

My Beautiful Curse

A Poem by Britaini Gross

My Beautiful Curse Prone. I was born with a faulty heart, and it was doomed from the very start. When I was young I wanted to fall in..
Arch King and Queen

Arch King and Queen

A Poem by Jamie Starlight

A pair they where Matted black hair, piercing green eyes Charming grins, hellish tempers Broken dispositions, obsessive natures Alik..
Happy for you

Happy for you

A Poem by Johanna

what do you think?


A Poem by surfingdragoncat

from the depth of sorrow one will only find... more sorrow.


A Chapter by Kaity Fisher

There was perfection, but then reflection.Brought back the reality of artificiality.Didn’t realize pain would be this mundane.Suspended in nowhe..
Who We Are

Who We Are

A Poem by Welcome To My Nightmare

A word from the outsiders


A Poem by Elle_13

This is about my family and my feelings about them
The 16th feeling

The 16th feeling

A Story by ambivalent

A letter to the one who left me with an untouchable void
Half Swoon

Half Swoon

A Poem by Cody Austin

Some off the wall spoken word.
A Different Sea

A Different Sea

A Poem by Anna

Oh how the sea seems especially beautiful today,when only drifting far and off to nowhere are we.Passive as the rolling tide, gentle as the sun's ray,..


A Story by Brody Childs

You all walk... or something. Just finished reading Notes From the Underground, that's probably got something to do with this.


A Poem by Kellie Wright

Everything is differentThis is a different roomThis is a different houseThe person I see everydayisn't the same as the lastThis roomThis houseThe pers..
A Different Coda

A Different Coda

A Story by Waggish Cape

There's no time like now. We forget the past, and we move on. We look toward the future. So how can one event completely change someone's life?