Tags : thought

Thought - pt. 2

Thought - pt. 2

A Chapter by NIGHT OWL

But to hold onto Life,or to wish for Death,is the right for humans to have and make.
Thought - pt. 3

Thought - pt. 3

A Chapter by NIGHT OWL

It doesn't matter that we'll die,The fact is -- We live!And therefore, cling --CLING! Cling to life human! Cling, and live, and breathe.
Death of a Twenty Year Old

Death of a Twenty Year Old

A Story by Meg Grim

This is likely the only piece of non-fiction I will ever produce.
You Are What You Love, Not What Loves You

You Are What You Love, Not What Loves You

A Poem by Meg Grim

I'd spent so much timewriting,writingabout fire and passionand aboutwhat I wanted todoand who I wanted tobecome.And then,I realized:Why play with fire..


A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Problems many of which are not getting solvednot because I'm not resolved but because I delayto savor the day, the moon and the seasonwhich is why I'm..
The Philosophical Child

The Philosophical Child

A Poem by Sai

The purest minds yet the most dangerous thoughts.
Beth: A Lament

Beth: A Lament

A Poem by Anna

When she spoke I thought I had listened,I thought I had heard all that she could be.But as time surpasses us, I know I truly didn't,because I don't kn..
House Of Nothings

House Of Nothings

A Poem by Anna

I am down the boggy mud, muck and mirethere a chimney smokes never lit by a fire.And inside the dark, between the moss woodthere sits my house where i..


A Poem by Spencer Barker

On and on, the carousel rides.Flickering from the many houses, the many faces of light.Laughter, fun, joy, and none,the carousel rides weighing your m..


A Poem by Castilios

A Kyrielle poem about time.


A Poem by Poonam

Let happiness prevail..
The stillness with time

The stillness with time

A Story by The lost boy

The boy who was the very thought of stillness.
The Dark Man's Teeth

The Dark Man's Teeth

A Poem by Spencer Barker

A brandishing of sheath,a cascading of teeth,do the blades come thrashing down.A jump and safe again,but for now the attack comes,swiftly.I see in his..
sheets of night sky

sheets of night sky

A Poem by hdean

It is Sunday morning, and it is 4 am. I have always found choral music to be extraordinarily peaceful It’s like my soul has b..


A Poem by Peyton Light

What is death?


A Story by Peter Rogerson

There had to be an imaginative spark once upon a time, didn't there?
Thoughts of a divorced son

Thoughts of a divorced son

A Story by Manuel Sangiorgio

Deep thoughts of young boy on his struggling relationship with his mother