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Tags : Sociopath

1 joe

1 joe

A Chapter by Styles P.

JoeChapter 1: JoeI remember the day it started. I had recently lost my latest wife due to... Unfortunate circumstances. The feeling of losing a spouse..
2 Nancy

2 Nancy

A Chapter by Styles P.

Chapter 2: NancyI took my lunch break around 12. I went to my favourite little sandwich place, they made the best roast beef sandwiches. I remember, I..
3 ?

3 ?

A Chapter by Styles P.

Chapter 3: ?Her beauty was unnatural. Nothing on earth radiated with such intensity, not the most majestic bird, nor the brightest rainbow, nor the st..
4 Joe

4 Joe

A Chapter by Styles P.

Chapter 4: JoeI woke up in a groggy state on my mattress. It was odd, I didn't remember climbing into bed but I overlooked it, I was probably exhauste..
6 ?

6 ?

A Chapter by Styles P.

Chapter 6: ?It was about 5 am. I watched that clown Joe pull out, then I rolled around the curb. I could never understand what Nancy saw in that man. ..
8 joe

8 joe

A Chapter by Styles P.

(where i left off. not finished


A Poem by ThePoet

A sociopath explains sociopaths. Written as a class assignment
Just a walk to school.

Just a walk to school.

A Chapter by conterbook

Who is Negative behind the mask. The first Chapter in a weekly Horror series called Negative.
Fires of Rage Burn Hotter

Fires of Rage Burn Hotter

A Story by Wade Jericho

Warning: Graphic material Does murder affect everyone the same? Are you a murderer if you kill? Just because someone feels remorse for their homici..


A Poem by Sabrina

The poem is based off the questions you should ask when determining if someone is a sociopath.
Your Atypical Sociopath

Your Atypical Sociopath

A Book by amro

A story recording the thoughts, opinions, perspectives and motives of a sociopath. Will he let anger and hatred consume him or will he fight it?
Chapter I

Chapter I

A Chapter by amro

I am beyond good and evil. There are no reasons behind my actions because what I do needs no justification, my heart is stone cold and all what I wish..
Chapter II

Chapter II

A Chapter by amro

Mind you, I am not a physically violent person. I follow by the famous saying 'The pen is mightier than the sword' so might as well emotionally abuse ..


A Story by Dominik D. Rites

I will burn you.
Inside Out

Inside Out

A Poem by Ollie

Printed Stories

Printed Stories

A Book by Sofia Cervantes

In the few pages of this novel you will find the life of a small family of two that will go miles for the people they love.
Count to Three

Count to Three

A Story by Travis

A troubled person on the verge of discovery.