Tags : struggle

Beautiful Consequence

Beautiful Consequence

A Book by Dawn Dreamer

Eleanor Frey did something stupid. Now she must face the consequences. But how will she ever tell her parents, or worse, millionaire Vincent Kennard....
Where We Are

Where We Are

A Poem by _fresh_music

You live and you learn Give and you earn Feeling like dying, Well I am your urn But when it's my turn, Don't act so concerned Just let it burn, ..


A Poem by AngeloRosell

In search of the coreEnlighten man’s exploreKnown are these emotionsInside all these illusions To write freedom on your wallsDance through shopp..
Liberation of the Beloved

Liberation of the Beloved

A Poem by Phillip Francis

I'm not a religious man, nor is this a religious piece. My hope is that each reader takes their own perspective and takes a second to be thankful thei..
Struggle and Strive

Struggle and Strive

A Poem by K-O-I

I wrote this after a good friend of mine was murdered, there is much more but a little personal so I decided to only put up part of it for now. Hope y..
The place my dragons hide

The place my dragons hide

A Book by Ferir

A lonely teenager enters his imaginary ideal world and realizes that his choices inside can affect the world around him.
Loudest Alone

Loudest Alone

A Poem by AJ

A poem depicting the struggle we all have within our own minds that is not spoken of.
Weather the salty seas.

Weather the salty seas.

A Poem by Veronica Staehle

This salty prose/poem became alive by use of visual typography while navigating the deep seas of the world my mind thinks. Stream of consciousness.
Divorcing Deceit

Divorcing Deceit

A Poem by Armistead Lindsey

Sometimes we have to let go of those who hurt us
Lost Reason

Lost Reason

A Poem by Armistead Lindsey

sometimes the reason for our lives seems lost
Without You

Without You

A Poem by Phillip Francis

Abruptly woken from a sound sleep. Absorbing terror. Perspiration floods my brow. Hard to breathe, without you. Days drag on, nigh..
The Lonely Mountain

The Lonely Mountain

A Poem by Castilios

A Poem Inspired by The Hobbit

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...