Tags : Dwarves



A Book by eastallegheny

It was supposed to be a simple quest. It was supposed to be a simple "find and retrieve" mission. But nothing is ever as simple as it seems on paper, ..
The Wizard and The Dragon

The Wizard and The Dragon

A Book by Josh

This is my first attempt at creative writing. I have written the first chapter and wanted to submit it for review and see how well/bad I did! I like..
Chapter 1 - The Storyteller

Chapter 1 - The Storyteller

A Chapter by Josh

Here is chapter 1 of my unfinished story. I have created a plot but this chapter just sets the scene and backstory while introducing one of the main c..
The Prince of Ophraevia

The Prince of Ophraevia

A Book by Princepessa

A short story that's unfinished and will therefore be posted in bits and pieces. An interesting take on fairytales and an attempt at comedy. Hope you..
Part 2

Part 2

A Chapter by Princepessa

The next part of the short story...this is pretty much where I've gotten up to.
Dwarf Politics

Dwarf Politics

A Chapter by Armanis

Dwarves get a chance in the war against Deprepantaur
D&D 5e Story

D&D 5e Story

A Story by Hope_Lescase

I am a DM for D&D: we have a half-Elf Draconic Sorcerer, a Blackguard who serves his dark mistress, a dwarven archer who has a drinking problem, and a..
D&D Story Part 3

D&D Story Part 3

A Story by Hope_Lescase

I am a DM for D&D: we have a half-Elf Draconic Sorcerer, a Blackguard who serves his dark mistress, a dwarven archer who has a drinking problem, and a..

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