Tags : Eating

Six months married - part two

Six months married - part two

A Chapter by Susie

Where the hell was he?Planningtoappear inconspicuous and preoccupied when Cris arrived home, I had already been hiding out in the bedroom for an hour...


A Poem by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

of how I try to live keeping God in my mind all day every day
March 1, 2014

March 1, 2014

A Poem by Molly

Eating away at you Because that's always the problemTaking your momentsYour lifeKilling you slowly { Letting you watch as it takes your body awayBut t..
Chapter ? - running

Chapter ? - running

A Chapter by Susie

I forged reasons to run that were acceptable. Like to use the energy I paid for or tone. But deep down I knew these were lies, part of an excuse my su..
Chapter 12

Chapter 12

A Chapter by Susie

Home.I resented the fact that I'ddriven. The fifteen minutes alone in the car with Cris faking appreciation for his support was intense. For the first..
Chapter 13

Chapter 13

A Chapter by Susie

A private body viewing, a stressful black attire shop and nine days later the farmhouse was all a hustle again. I was tired of functioning around so m..
Chapter 15

Chapter 15

A Chapter by Susie

Today wasTHAT day.I dressed for Church. I looked at my reflection. I dressed again. Clothes slowly formed a second carpet over my bedroom floor. The f..
Chapter ? - leaving

Chapter ? - leaving

A Chapter by Susie

It was 1.4 kilometres from Naracoorte’s main street to the unit. I walked slowly, with a chemist bag containing valerian supplements to ai..
A Day in Heels

A Day in Heels

A Story by Susie

What if sexism, in everyday life, worked the other way. Women had the upper hand?
A Mind

A Mind

A Poem by lilrissriss

A mind is like a glass window, it can take time and break away with age. Or with many over played thoughts constantly tap tap tappin..


A Chapter by Regina K. Pride

Miscommunication The meals at my house never sing a tune of steamed asparagus over a brew of hot, hot vegetable juice filled with raw potato..
The Girl with Many Names - PART 1

The Girl with Many Names - PART 1

A Story by Susie

I know there are mistakes in this, but could you please let me know what you think of the content????


A Poem by Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

Dinner for two is dinner for one, when one of the two is a cannibal. Jarod Kintz
eating me from the outside in

eating me from the outside in

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

he asked me why I changed


A Story by Susie

The past few days have been very strange, like squinting in the morning sun but not being able to fully come to. I have spent countless hours making s..
Protein Transfer

Protein Transfer

A Story by N R Whyte

"Protein Transfer" is a series of vignettes that demonstrate how and why I turned from an omnivore to a pescetarian.
Three Tiny Shellfish Stories

Three Tiny Shellfish Stories

A Story by Joe K

Another college creative writing assignment. The title (originally "The Shellfish on My Mind") says it all.