Tags : college

Chapter 5: In Troubled Times

Chapter 5: In Troubled Times

A Chapter by Andrew M. Davis

Chapter 4 comes from a different perspective, Sarah's. You begin to catch a glimpse of the events happening on Earth. Take a read, tell me what you th..


A Story by Symrin

This is my first attempt at writing. Hope you like it!
Chapter 6: A Light at the End

Chapter 6: A Light at the End

A Chapter by Andrew M. Davis

Back to Korbin's perspective. Get a little more hint as to what he's capable of, but more of a background on the D'karian's as well! Enjoy. Tell me wh..
Night Full of Thoughts

Night Full of Thoughts

A Poem by Riggan

The future holds so many mysteries: adventure or disaster. I must learn to embrace change even if I am scared. I tell myself I can handle it, but m..
Chapter 7: To Be Young Again

Chapter 7: To Be Young Again

A Chapter by Andrew M. Davis

Korbin as a child, where his power first began to manifest and the events around it, or so they seem. Let me know what you think!!
Chapter 8: From Fire to Ash

Chapter 8: From Fire to Ash

A Chapter by Andrew M. Davis

Basically one grand battle with Korbin, the superpowered kid, pitting himself against three massive beasts of fire.
The Student

The Student

A Poem by TricksyCoy

A poem praising the valiant efforts of our students
A Study in Studying

A Study in Studying

A Poem by TricksyCoy

The modern student gets down to what's REALLY important!
Elevator Music

Elevator Music

A Story by Jacob Clifford

Trapped in an elevator! Based on a true story.
Silly Boy

Silly Boy

A Poem by Emily

It was part of his plan...
An Ode To Misery and Conformity

An Ode To Misery and Conformity

A Poem by Ally

My prose rant about life in general.
Senior Problems

Senior Problems

A Poem by Stephanie Morford

Been extremely down as of late I'll most likely be either writing sad poems or motivating ones to attempt to cheer myself up.
On Your First Rejected Manuscript

On Your First Rejected Manuscript

A Poem by Sarah J Dhue

Sitting by the door Waiting for the ka-chunk of the mailbox Checking anxiously Sifting through envelopes Finding nothing but bill..
Birds of A Feather

Birds of A Feather

A Book by Ai Ri

Rylan Hyde starts his life at Noshys Academy with a cheerful smile and a heart full of hope. Hopefully the poor creamsicle won't get let down too hars..