Tags : Heartache

#38- Anytime Soon.

#38- Anytime Soon.

A Poem by Paper

Confusion today.
#39- Creepy.

#39- Creepy.

A Poem by Paper

Weirdness, just a little bit ago.
#40- A New Development.

#40- A New Development.

A Poem by Paper

Unexpected series of events.
#41- Filling.

#41- Filling.

A Poem by Paper

Growing and changing.
#42- Dilemma.

#42- Dilemma.

A Poem by Paper

Uncertainty about options.
Be Still

Be Still

A Poem by DianneR

Stillness in memories
#43- Philosophy.

#43- Philosophy.

A Poem by Paper

Strange question.
#44- An Open Mind.

#44- An Open Mind.

A Poem by Paper

Thoughts on keeping things open.
#45- Desert Inside.

#45- Desert Inside.

A Poem by Paper

Something stirs in the big empty.
#46- Double Dialogues.

#46- Double Dialogues.

A Poem by Paper

Thoughts on medium of conversation.
#47- Similarities.

#47- Similarities.

A Poem by Paper

#48- Storage Unit.

#48- Storage Unit.

A Poem by Paper

Again, the parallels are uncanny.
#49- Nagging Thoughts.

#49- Nagging Thoughts.

A Poem by Paper

Thought that won't go away.
#50- Less and Less.

#50- Less and Less.

A Poem by Paper

Perception and hindsight.
#51- Traffic Jam.

#51- Traffic Jam.

A Poem by Paper

Trying to stay sane, today.
#52- Returning.

#52- Returning.

A Poem by Paper

Like earning back privileges.
#53- Worst that Could Happen.

#53- Worst that Could Happen.

A Poem by Paper

Apprehension and superstition.
#54- Unexpected.

#54- Unexpected.

A Poem by Paper

Small fortune and small fear.
#55- Falling short.

#55- Falling short.

A Poem by Paper

Small consolation.
#56- Procrastination.

#56- Procrastination.

A Poem by Paper

When it's about time.