Tags : catholic

Blind Bartimaeus and a Vision of Sainthood.

Blind Bartimaeus and a Vision of Sainthood.

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

This is actually, for lack of a better term, a description of a vision.
Mary Said "Yes" to God So That God Could Say "YES!" to Us All

Mary Said "Yes" to God So That God Could Say "YES!..

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Reformed theologian, Karl Barth, said that Jesus Christ is God's "YES!" to humanity. I've always like that. But before God could say "YES!" to us thro..
The Golden Rule -- The Key to Joy and Answered Prayer

The Golden Rule -- The Key to Joy and Answered Pra..

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

“Ask! And it will be given to you. Seek! And you will find. Knock! And the door will be opened for you. Because everyone who asks will get; ..
Elmwood Weirdos

Elmwood Weirdos

A Chapter by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

About me and my strange Misfit friends: Bulldog Bey, James Bey, Mandy El, Chronic Chucky Bey, Katie EL, Love A. Bey, Chris “the Kid” Bey,..
Sodom and Gomorrah -- What Needs To Be Said

Sodom and Gomorrah -- What Needs To Be Said

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

The Church -- Think Universal, Act Particular...

The Church -- Think Universal, Act Particular...

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

The Church exists as two concepts: there is The Church, which is the catholic expression of faith and vision �" the Church in its entirety..
Taking Off the Mask and Showing My True Face

Taking Off the Mask and Showing My True Face

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

“Make sure that none of you act out your right relationship with God in front of other people because then human praise will be the only rew..
Praying the Lord's Prayer Is Living the Lord's Prayer

Praying the Lord's Prayer Is Living the Lord's Pra..

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

“And don’t babble on and on when you pray like the foreigners who worship false gods do! They think that something will hear them because ..
Jesus Was Rich!

Jesus Was Rich!

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

“Don’t waste your time saving up and collecting a lot of wealth. On the earth moths devour priceless clothes, rust tarnishes expensive met..
Love -- Why It Is Important

Love -- Why It Is Important

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

The reason why it is so important to love others is that there are a lot of people out there who have never learned how to love themselves -- and they..
Alcatholics, and The Angels in Captivity

Alcatholics, and The Angels in Captivity

A Poem by Dave C.

Lyrics to a song I wrote about how religion takes advantage of people and the name of God.


A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

In Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, the Enterprise crew encounters an emotional Vulcan who has the power to take away peoples' pain. The catch was tha..
False Prophets and the Face in the Mirror

False Prophets and the Face in the Mirror

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Watch out for false prophets! They’re hungry wolves disguised as harmless sheep. You’ll be able to tell them from real prophets by the sor..
Religion is Not an Opiate

Religion is Not an Opiate

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

I think my point is that religion is not an opiate. We do not use it to deny real life and real pain. Death is real and death is powerful, but so too ..
Hurting in the Name of Jesus

Hurting in the Name of Jesus

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

As the time of his death was getting closer, he looked long and hard toward Jerusalem and set off in that direction. He sent messengers ahead of ..


A Poem by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

A Christian died in the streets of Boston,He had no home to rest his weary head.Being more like Christ than all the lost onesWho securely dwell in sta..
Which Is Harder -- Compassion or Blame?

Which Is Harder -- Compassion or Blame?

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

So Jesus got back in the boat and sailed back across the Sea of Galilee. He returned home. And check it out! A bunch of people brought a man on a str..
Spiritual Tax-Collectors -- The Sick Leading the Sick

Spiritual Tax-Collectors -- The Sick Leading the S..

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

As Jesus left from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting in a tax-collecting office. Jesus said to him, “Be my student!” And Matthew g..


A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

For Saint Ignatius, chastity is more than simply refraining from sex. The step of embracing chastity coincides with that of abandoning the world and g..
Tasting the New Wine -- Being Religious Rather Than Acting Religiously

Tasting the New Wine -- Being Religious Rather Tha..

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Then John the Baptist’s students went to Jesus and asked him, “Why do we and the lay-ministers fast so much, but your students never do?&r..