Tags : Sad

Red and White

Red and White

A Poem by franzesty

He dashes across the room,Slam! the door is shut tight - impervious,impenetrable,as scarlet pennies clatter to the floor.White red light of the bathro..
Sail Away, I Will Wait

Sail Away, I Will Wait

A Poem by MaximumFlight

A friend runs away, leaving behind people who don't want her to go.
We Hope.

We Hope.

A Story by Pandy

A very short story I decided to write about mistakes and self-worth.
Afraid of the Dark

Afraid of the Dark

A Poem by L.Michelle

A letter to those that ask "are you okay" but don't stick around to hear the rest.
Silent Rain

Silent Rain

A Poem by Joan Probst

Hope is a bitter sweet moment


A Poem by GeorgiaR

Everything I say in a poem becomes a metaphor for you.I wish you were just a person, but to me you are poetry.I think about you in the day, and then t..
Then & Now

Then & Now

A Poem by Linda

I met you at my lowest.. I was surrounded in the dark, but you came and showed me the blinding light that shined inside. You gave me life. I sti..
What I Want

What I Want

A Poem by thumos



A Poem by Faryal

How pain can be described as


A Poem by ayejodie

It's kind of like your scarf, Caught in the car door. Dragging along the road, Begging for you to notice. Travelling at a speed, Unraveling the s..
There are the rare times..

There are the rare times..

A Poem by Pandy

..when I find myself alone.
Start over

Start over

A Poem by Heilig

Leave the past behind.
How you made me feel

How you made me feel

A Story by Sierra D3

Since I can no longer say it to your face, for fear it will fall into the black hole where all my words end up, i write. I remember. I dwell.


A Poem by Kaitlyn

I am currently writing poems for each of the Seven Deadly Sins. This poem comes from a dark time I've experienced and is the first poem I have ever wr..
The Light Between Candles

The Light Between Candles

A Story by K. R. Howland

In future Russia, a young doctor and indentured servant cross paths and fall into a strange love, but relationships like that in this future are taboo..