Tags : modern

Project-X {NI-UK}

Project-X {NI-UK}

A Story by Abishai100

Dr. Satan (Amlan) tries to create grid-sanity in Northern Ireland as a guerrilla-intelligentsia and believes cyber-media will solve alienation.
Designing Avatar

Designing Avatar

A Story by Abishai100

A commerce-iconography 'reflective' vignette about invested fashions for municipal office(s) by the minds of Earth-emojis.
Damian: Prince of Darkness*

Damian: Prince of Darkness*

A Story by Abishai100

Will a candidate for the 'Prince of Darkness' shade the throne(s)-of-blood...or become a 'reformed' vision-bishop of Earth chess?
Saint of the North

Saint of the North

A Story by Abishai100

An offbeat 'lone' agent in Northern Ireland (Belfast) --- United Kingdom --- seeks terrain vision(s) and castling-media on an Earth of neo-depression.
Diamond {Baseball} Theta

Diamond {Baseball} Theta

A Story by Abishai100

How does baseball draw us closer to 'expo' ideations of 'intelligent' evangelism?
Salinger's Field English

Salinger's Field English

A Story by Abishai100

An 'amplified' American writer dreams he's in a sportsman-artwork while being 'moved' by a spying alien to seek traffic-energizers.
World-Series Eraser*

World-Series Eraser*

A Story by Abishai100

A writer ponders the scope/scale(s) of underdog-baseball 'magic' in the Halloween/October season...for human-race ego.
The Cyclonus Formula

The Cyclonus Formula

A Story by Abishai100

Narrated 'picture' of an Earth-scientist whose concept-figures of a folk-avatar A.I. robot of terror (Cyclonus) may draw out some 'cooler' ideations o..


A Story by Abishai100

Narrated portrait of a scientist/traveler who reawakens his mind and finds a 'truer' sense of direction in Oahu (Earth).
Street Ends

Street Ends

A Story by Abishai100

A real-life 'Artful-Dodger' (French-Algerian) remembers his days as a survivalist, in comparison to his miracle-life as a think-tank energizer.
Company Light(s)

Company Light(s)

A Story by Abishai100

Officer Satan (space-explorer) of Weyland seeks retirement on Earth and a retirement-vision with a 'Wingate-ceremony' choreographed by his Parsons-sib..
Treasure-Computing: Equation Phone

Treasure-Computing: Equation Phone

A Story by Abishai100

Slides of the 'toys' of Earth-IQ in the modern-age, presented as a 'toast' of a descended pirate with a 'tooth' of cyber-Eden.
Lion Pentagon

Lion Pentagon

A Story by Abishai100

Portrait of challenged Detroit (USA), for sports-media broadcast era symbolic Thanksgiving-football TV, challenged by terrorism...policed by a hero.
Earth: Sentient-Deformity

Earth: Sentient-Deformity

A Story by Abishai100

Can a 'prince' of Earth confront forms of darkness/complexity/divinity that ideate man's own sense(s) of 'complete' entropy?
Stained Eros

Stained Eros

A Story by Abishai100

A dentist snaps and becomes a diamond-thief but may find a 'Robin-Hood' fortune to evade the 'darkness' of Earth's electricity!


A Story by Abishai100

An eccentric Earth-prince (Amlan Satan) uses 'stalemate-chess' cyber-diagrams to become a 'natural' species-exorcist.
Prince ERA

Prince ERA

A Story by Abishai100

A globalism-rhetoric cyber-advocate (Prince Amlan Satan) embarks on a 'novel' mission invoking stalemate-chess 'ideations' of human-race effort(s).
The 'Easy' Liszt

The 'Easy' Liszt

A Story by Abishai100

A prince of civilization may be 'drawn' to chess-IQ by a spying Martian and come to terms with Earth's 'special' engine(s)!
Avengers: Endymion

Avengers: Endymion

A Story by Abishai100

A band of rogue-heroes (for Earth!) unite to tackle post-9/11 era damnation while 'scripting' with a secret invasion by Martians (for Planet-Hollywood..


A Story by Abishai100

A stranger with a capitalism journal visits Philadelphia during the Series to 'dissect' the human quality of commerce-chess emergency (for antiterrori..