Tags : Deep



A Poem by EMMIE

This is a dream! Wake me up! This is a nightmare Pinch me now I don't want to be here Not any more There used to be peace And now it's wa..
The Journey of a Sophisticated Beetle

The Journey of a Sophisticated Beetle

A Story by Mikel

A small black beetle shares his thoughts through a wide range of vocabulary.
Five For Silver, Six For Gold

Five For Silver, Six For Gold

A Poem by springy tart lemur

Written to Counting Crows' "A Murder of One"


A Poem by SomeoneSomewhere

A three-liner about feeling invisible


A Poem by Willowtree

When we are wrongedWe are tempted to be bitterBitterness bites and eats away at our soulsour selfish hearts torn two ways:eager to rid itself of the b..
4, 2, 3, Dead

4, 2, 3, Dead

A Poem by E

Not really nonsense. Just didn't fit into anything else.
Rip Current

Rip Current

A Poem by Zee Noir

8-18-12 Rip Current Alone once again it’s no surprise, it’s nothing new. Buried in a sea of tears, waiting to hear fro..
Fractured Youth- Part Two

Fractured Youth- Part Two

A Story by Kenny Steele

Pascalle showers.
something staring back at me

something staring back at me

A Poem by Bewitching Sensations

peek into ur soul ..you may not like what you see..
All for you.

All for you.

A Poem by Winona

Personal poem written about a boy who I love so irrevocably and in the most raw sense of the word.
A Golden Throne

A Golden Throne

A Poem by Letto

In halls of stone lies a golden throne on which a goblin sits,Stolen is theexquisite throne from dwarves of elder days!Though wary is the goblin king ..


A Poem by Suavis_Umbra

Agony at it's truest form when infected by it.
Masks Undone

Masks Undone

A Poem by Michael Thrower

Well, this is mostly a procrastination of an English assignment I'm supposed to be working on, but also it's been in my mind for a while. I did, in fa..
Bottled up foe

Bottled up foe

A Story by Steven

My knees started to give way, my legs were shaking violently. My left arm won’t move. My right eye won’t seem to open. Still, though..
my first hair cut

my first hair cut

A Poem by Steven

So Delilah I guess I’m singing to you with no sight Strange I still see your eyes never the less I’m down and I just had my firs..
encounter for dreamer

encounter for dreamer

A Story by Steven

up for intertitation