Tags : Alchemist

The Alchemist's Touch

The Alchemist's Touch

A Poem by AK

This poem shows us how things are not as worthless as they look. P.S:I wrote this poem in sixth grade for a school project so it isn't great(not that..
Chapter Three: Alchemist and Chimera

Chapter Three: Alchemist and Chimera

A Chapter by Dark Rider

Tybalt For the longest time, I just stared at her in shock and embarrassment. Shock because I could have sworn there had been a injured dog there w..
Electric Alchemist

Electric Alchemist

A Poem by lord_jud

Like some sweet whisper in the night that curls up, swaddling itself in my open ear; like nipping at the heels of a fading dream that slinks..
The Apothecary's Daughter

The Apothecary's Daughter

A Story by Aurafiex

A homunculus discovers that she is not the only one who knows of pain and fear.
Julius Barren

Julius Barren

A Book by Tracking_This

The story of Julius Barren, a living legend.