Tags : GRASS

Microstory 70: The Cow Wedding

Microstory 70: The Cow Wedding

A Story by Nick Fisherman

This is a microstory. You'll have to read it to find out what it's about. It is based on a true story.


A Poem by Marie

It's that time of year...
Microstory 139: Hester Khan

Microstory 139: Hester Khan

A Story by Nick Fisherman

This is an experimental Bellevue Profile microstory. The introduction can be found in Microstory 101. More to follow.
The Discovery

The Discovery

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

how do I love thee
Leaf's Insanity

Leaf's Insanity

A Poem by Celie Rose

Leaf's are made of many layers that are sandwiched between two layers of tough cells. These layers of cells protect the leaf from being identified, lo..
Birth of Fall

Birth of Fall

A Poem by Sahalie

Dew drops coat green bladesBurnt orange saturates the earthAutumn is more near
Leaning On The Windowsill

Leaning On The Windowsill

A Poem by elko

Emotionally-inspired poetry.
As Another Being

As Another Being

A Story by fleetingmemory

a short story told from the perspective of a blade of grass


A Poem by Emily

I could barley see the grass
The Field

The Field

A Poem by lilly rotundy

A short poem that reminds me of my grandfather's home in the country.


A Poem by M.J. Gamboa.

If only you knew.
Snakes in the Grass

Snakes in the Grass

A Poem by Sinn

The underlying thoughts I have about constantly being treated like I don't matter.
Indoor Edible Growing Grass

Indoor Edible Growing Grass

A Story by Rachel Jemmas

A piece of non-fiction.
Fields of Grass

Fields of Grass

A Poem by Michael Iam Bone

This poem is about the importance of each and every person and their story.
Soles on the grass

Soles on the grass

A Poem by David mungoshi

Sensation of bare feet on freshly-sprouted grass after the first rains of the season


A Poem by trailcoyote

Stick straight, stone hardFall without a sound.I break into a thousand pieces scattered on the groundHead up heart closedDon't dare to hope.This false..