Twisted Hearts

Twisted Hearts

A Book by gothicwinters

Merri Drake is a witch who is hiding from her twin brother. Kevin Drake is in love with his twin sister. He'll stop at nothing to make her his and giv..
The First Rebellion

The First Rebellion

A Book by BattleAxePirate

Want magic, witches, warriors, rebellions, and wars? You've come to right place...
Shadow Side Up

Shadow Side Up

A Book by kaynpiper

Aila is a witch of a very different color. With her father after her, her friend's lives in her hands, and a blossoming forbidden love. All she can do..
The Coven

The Coven

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

I had shot a couple of pheasants, Was returning, deep from the wood, Avoiding the crackle of branches, making As little noise as I co..
Chapter Two  Safe for Now

Chapter Two Safe for Now

A Chapter by gothicwinters

The way a vampire changes a person into them is hard. They have to be willing and not fight. If they fight the bond wont' be strong enough. They might..

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