Tags : high+school

Witch's Brew

Witch's Brew

A Story by Debbie Barry

A high school Halloween Ball story, sort of.


A Story by Willys Watson

This is a first draft that likely will be edited.


A Story by Jennifer

Ethan is part of the 'in' crowd at his high school. He knows what it's like to be popular. He may confess a secret that will cause him to be consid..
From Popular to Freak

From Popular to Freak

A Story by Jennifer

The most popular girl in high school, Julianne, has kept her anxiety a secret from even her best friend, Maddie, and boyfriend Luke. At a school dance..
Geek's Obsession

Geek's Obsession

A Book by Jennifer

Edison Bates has been the outcast of his small town since junior high school. His best friend, Nora Slater, is with him when things strangely change.
Once a Geek, Always a Geek?

Once a Geek, Always a Geek?

A Chapter by Jennifer

Something strange happens to Edison one afternoon, and Nora is there to witness it. Note: Cover Credit by myroseswillhuntyou (Wattpad).


A Story by Patrick Masters

Chapter 1 Hello there I’m Terry and I want to talk to you about a topic near and dear to my heart. I want to talk to you about my savior. This i..
Ice Cream and Catch Up

Ice Cream and Catch Up

A Story by Casey Canon

Friendships can go awry in an instant. Can they as easily be won back?
Passed Down Secrets

Passed Down Secrets

A Book by SRMarx

Emma Rowe, 18, shaken by the suicide of her closest friend, tries to focus on the problems of everyone else around her in order to ignore her own trau..
From a Safe Distance

From a Safe Distance

A Chapter by SRMarx

Do you ever feel like a foreigner in your own body? That somehow, this physical thing your head is attached can’t be yours? After all, my body ..
A Collection of Thoughts

A Collection of Thoughts

A Book by SRMarx

Brainstorming about the novella "Passed Down Secrets" in the formal of 1st person journal entries.
0. Fear

0. Fear

A Chapter by SRMarx

Afraid to live in a world without you. Afraid to know I drove you to suicide. Afraid I might kill myself too.
1. Suicide

1. Suicide

A Chapter by SRMarx

Trying to understand why she killed herself.
2. Obsession

2. Obsession

A Chapter by SRMarx

Desperate for answers.
3. The Future

3. The Future

A Chapter by SRMarx

What is my future without you?
4. On Death

4. On Death

A Chapter by SRMarx

Did you end up where you thought you would?
The Graduation Party

The Graduation Party

A Story by my_passion

This story is a product of my "Passion Project". I needed to find a way to corporate my passion and curriculum of my class (SAP-Sociology, Anthropolog..