Cowgirl Up

Cowgirl Up

A Book by Molly

After Elena Strife moved from the big city to a small country town with her mother she thought her problems were over. She was adjusting well to her n..
Invisible Forces

Invisible Forces

A Poem by Beau Maysey

The burden of seeing is but a prelude to the gift of blindness
7. 2 Weeks In

7. 2 Weeks In

A Chapter by Dark Rider

I apologize in advance for any errors and boredom you may experience while reading.
mentally majestic

mentally majestic

A Story by heatherfoxalltheway606

in this story "Mentally Majestic" you will find that it stops at a random part but that means that i will keep on adding to this story.this story is a..
How to buy a horse without your parents knowing

How to buy a horse without your parents knowing

A Book by Fiona DiCerbo

Made this up when i was nine. Hope you enjoy!


A Story by Gabriel W. Phoenix

Donovan and his love are in an epic war against the Master's army. As the shadows from a wasted past creep up on the couple, things get bleak.
Old Mc Dougle

Old Mc Dougle

A Story by Woody

telling two animals apart can be a tough job.
8. Good Friend

8. Good Friend

A Chapter by Dark Rider

Sorry in advance for all grammar/spelling mistakes!
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Dark Rider

“From this day forward until you have reached the age of eighteen, you will live on the Graceling’s ranch.” Those words echoed ..
2. Rude Awakening

2. Rude Awakening

A Chapter by Dark Rider

First day on the ranch, and Winter gets a water bed. XD
3. Little Miss Daisy

3. Little Miss Daisy

A Chapter by Dark Rider

If I had to listen to one more fact about the ranch or horses, I was going to explode! For the past 6 hours I suffered through the tour of the wh..
4. Midnight Snack

4. Midnight Snack

A Chapter by Dark Rider

Every detail of my room's ceiling was now etched into my mind. I've been holed up in here ever since I left the barn. One thing that was actually go..
5. Sunday

5. Sunday

A Chapter by Dark Rider

6. Real Work Begins

6. Real Work Begins

A Chapter by Dark Rider

As soon as Mr. Graceling stopped the truck in front of the house, I quickly hopped out of the back of his four-door Ford F-150 and headed towards the..


A Poem by Jennifer Johnston

The fact that we're alive is an improbable thing.
9. Day With Daisy

9. Day With Daisy

A Chapter by Dark Rider

Mainly a filler chapter, and just to get a little more familiar with the characters.
10. Sunday School

10. Sunday School

A Chapter by Dark Rider

Sorry if this is a boring chapter.
11. Shopping

11. Shopping

A Chapter by Dark Rider

Winter really doesn't like the holidays. XD