101 Ways to Remain Insane

101 Ways to Remain Insane

A Book by Archia

A nice little (or not) guide to help you remain insane. Garanteed to work as much as it's garanteed garenteed is spelled right.
Bobby La Bean

Bobby La Bean

A Poem by SomeoneSomewhere

A nonsensical Seuss-style poem about an adventurous bean. Enjoy!
Love and Vegetables

Love and Vegetables

A Poem by SomeoneSomewhere

Fun little poem comparing love to different kinds of vegetables. Had a blast writing this and I hope you enjoy!
Revised Opening chapter

Revised Opening chapter

A Chapter by Leonard Ectric

have revised the novel and here is the brand new opening - all feedback welcome.
I'm coming back

I'm coming back

A Story by Beau-dee-loot

I was a lizard once, in a past life. I remember it well and it informs a lot of my judgements, the way I act. I can't remember where it was or wh..
Put a Sock in It

Put a Sock in It

A Story by JC

The story is about a boy who asks questions all the time. The problem is all of these questions drive everyone crazy! One day his mom stuffs a sock ..
I think Neal is Secretly a Woman

I think Neal is Secretly a Woman

A Story by mellikinza

short story about obsession
Mr Orington [First Draft]

Mr Orington [First Draft]

A Story by Alisdair Mans Cornwell

Written as a university piece for a short story module, 'Mr Orington' was my final creation before completing my degree. I managed to get a first over..
Darling, Please Check The Window One More Time...

Darling, Please Check The Window One More Time...

A Story by prettyboy

Dialogue only. Attempt at humour with little plot. First time posting my writing.
I Could Have Died!

I Could Have Died!

A Story by prettyboy

The roommates have not paid the phone bill. There are shenanigans.
CheckOut 27

CheckOut 27

A Book by Andrew M Gallagher

When he is handed the chance to make money without actually putting his hand in the till Peter surprises himself and takes it. But It is like winning ..

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