Tags : Heartache

I'm sorry, I just don't feel the way you want me to.

I'm sorry, I just don't feel the way you want me t..

A Poem by Kayli

The feeling is not reciprocated,it's just not the same.All hope had been false,overwhelmed by pain.
Stream of Consciousness

Stream of Consciousness

A Poem by Sarah Emily

Jumbled thoughts held together by what sanity I have left, enjoy!
The infractus pectus of yours sincerely

The infractus pectus of yours sincerely

A Story by Louise

It took me a few days to realize that what I was experiencing was the common human fragility of infractus pectus.I had been angry with the world for t..
What Will Be Left of Me. ?

What Will Be Left of Me. ?

A Poem by Arly Parent

There isa little bit of love left in meand it's looking just for you*I don't know how long it will endureOr if it will remain Truebut I hope it''s eno..
Soul to Soul

Soul to Soul

A Poem by Rayann

When I thought my heart would never heal
Forgive, But Don't Forget

Forgive, But Don't Forget

A Book by Madison-Paige

Emily Winchester is in love with her childhood sweetheart. Her Father hates him and demands she end the relationship or he will disown her. Who will s..
The Dark Valley of Hidden Angels

The Dark Valley of Hidden Angels

A Poem by Foxemerald

The deep dark throes and woes within our hearts, moves into the light.
Red-Headed Gemini

Red-Headed Gemini

A Poem by Colossus

A lady I saw from afar....
Expiration Date

Expiration Date

A Poem by Reneé H

A villainelle about the shortcomings of real life fairytales.
She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not

A Poem by Erin

love hurts more than hate
You're Disappearing

You're Disappearing

A Poem by Erin

Why do these streaks of color linger? Why do I cry at the things I remember? Why can I reach out and feel you, Yet you seem so far aw..


A Poem by Soul Fire

A poem about feeling overwhelmed.


A Story by Alexander D. May

It's one of my shorter stories. More of something to post 'just to post'. I came up with it in a mere 10 minutes, I hope this doesn't detract from it'..
I Don't Deserve you.

I Don't Deserve you.

A Poem by WitheredOrchid

The feeling of guilt, and feeling unworthy.
The Heart’s Balderdash

The Heart’s Balderdash

A Poem by Raven Starhawk

Nomadic temperaments hemorrhage degradation Since amity is a falsehood… …a poignant adversary that swindles sentiment Infid..
Ares Wept

Ares Wept

A Book by Physiology Fan

When Ottolie is taken from the Waneral Clan, she is astonished to discover that her captor was sent to retreive her and the book she found on the beac..
Made with Love

Made with Love

A Story by by Lauren

It is surprisingly hard to be sad, don’t you think? Feelings of loneliness and heartache are hard to embrace, yet they are a significant part of..
A Letter To My Love

A Letter To My Love

A Story by EnternalNight

Hey,I know I haven't met you yet, I'm holding out. I can wait for you even though it's getting harder and harder.I can wait, I can deal with lonelynes..

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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