Tags : Irony



A Poem by rutherford

Fulfilling the requirement that every poet must write about their pet.


A Poem by Antoñyo

What do men feel when the woman uses him instead... Pic is rated PG!
A Self-Centered Sort of Disability

A Self-Centered Sort of Disability

A Poem by Jacob Locke

She posts picturesOf climbing Katahdin,Dance offs,Sky Diving,Marathon running,and comments;“LOL my doctor’s would kill meIf they knew I wa..
The Incompetency Chronicles of Willy and Nilly's Friday Nights

The Incompetency Chronicles of Willy and Nilly's F..

A Poem by WildAssociativeLeaps

Hint: The genre was ironically selected.
Angry Girlfriend’s Rummage Sale

Angry Girlfriend’s Rummage Sale

A Poem by DaughterNature

This poem was an exercise in writing in the villanelle form, and was inspired by an odd conversation.
"It's unfulfilled dreams that keep us alive." -Robert Schuller

"It's unfulfilled dreams that keep us alive." -Rob..

A Story by Anna Blackburn

This is an assignment I had for English class and I think it is pretty good, but I'd like to know just how good.
Plastic Emotions

Plastic Emotions

A Poem by S

Its an ironic piece which shows the real emotions of a plastic doll and the fake ones of her human owner.
The Beautiful sky

The Beautiful sky

A Story by Ted

A guy.


A Poem by labyrinthapathy

I can feel the aggressiveCaressOf sharp, bloodstained nailsClawing through my cortexRipping apart my memoryAnd violating me... Piece by soiled piece.I..
Love- a sonnet

Love- a sonnet

A Poem by Rosezelene Ersa

I was once told I am a natural at sonnets, which is quite ironic since I've never been in a relationship.
The Chicago Spree

The Chicago Spree

A Story by Abigail the Bold

Just a little piece that I did for a Creative Writing class.
It's Funny

It's Funny

A Poem by Ashni

About how in public we rave on about saving the environment but back home, we aren't quite the same.
The Answer Is Always Ourselves

The Answer Is Always Ourselves

A Poem by Savannah Bly

The Answer Is Always Ourselves It is in our thoughts That we find words It is in words That we find voice It is in voice That we fi..


A Poem by kublakhan27

02 11 14


A Story by tremainiator

Story in zine by anonymous shrink about his relationship with two patients & their working relationship which he arranged & promoted. Takes place now..