Tags : betrayal

I watched Her~Watching him

I watched Her~Watching him

A Poem by Tracey~

Slithering like a snake through the tall grassonto the desert sandsclimate control never existedexcept where the desperationmoistened her thereAn..
On his deathbed

On his deathbed

A Story by Haim Kadman

An except of my 25th book to be published soon.
In The Moonlight

In The Moonlight

A Story by Ohioman

What one man sees his girlfriend doing with another man one night is being told in this one line short story.
The Start Of A Betrayal

The Start Of A Betrayal

A Poem by Ohioman

This 2468 piece shows us what happens between a couple before the woman's actual lover shows up.
Edith Got Upset

Edith Got Upset

A Poem by Ohioman

This free verse poem shows us what is it that a woman happens to see her husband doing with a couple.
Being Too Busy

Being Too Busy

A Poem by Ohioman

This haiku poem shows us what makes a woman become too busy to notice someone else in the room with her and some guy.
A Scene Of Jealous Rage

A Scene Of Jealous Rage

A Poem by Ohioman

What a man saw his wife doing in a hotel room with his best friend is being described in this double etheree poem.
A Stormy Night

A Stormy Night

A Story by Obscured by the Shadows

When everything you've ever loved has been stolen from you, do you rely on flight or fight?
Demi Woke To A Noise

Demi Woke To A Noise

A Poem by Ohioman

In this four line free verse poem, a young woman gets a shock when she sees what made her get out of bed so suddenly.
Black Regret

Black Regret

A Story by RxQueen

The sadness of physical abuse and the changes made to the mental
The Addiction Made Her

The Addiction Made Her

A Poem by Ohioman

The author uses this poem to show all of us that no matter how many times that addict says it, he or she could never be cured.
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

A Poem by Forever_Jazmin

A poem I wrote in class. I was deepened with emotions regarding my parents. I started to let it all out on paper, and this is what came of it. Unfinis..