Convergence: Genesis

Convergence: Genesis

A Book by Heiner Flores Bermú..

The human race is in grave danger, but Denn Bornew, a sergeant from Tau Ceti, is prepared to risk everything in order to save it.
Escape Plan

Escape Plan

A Chapter by Heiner Flores Bermú..

The human race is in grave danger, but Denn Bornew, a sergeant from Tau Ceti, is prepared to risk everything in order to save it.


A Story by Robert Saxton

A routine noise complaint call for an investigator in New Los Angeles.


A Story by James

A short Story about the unfortunate fate of a girl who never realized who she really was.
Apex Data: Aero

Apex Data: Aero

A Book by Trista G.

A war torn Earth in the fight for survival against its own kind, humanity's last hope rests upon the reinforced shoulders of Apex Units, robotic monol..
Chapter One: A War Without Moral

Chapter One: A War Without Moral

A Chapter by Trista G.

They all gathered in a conference room that overlooked the command center. A young colonel with her commander and several other commanders from differ..
The conversion tunnel

The conversion tunnel

A Story by Haim Kadman

You can read the 1st 3chap of my 23 books, or read the full text with KDP library; or buy 6 novelettes and short story collection for just $0.99, $1.9..
Throom throom

Throom throom

A Story by Supahpossum

The humans had been oppressed for many years, subdued by mechanical overlords. They built tirelessly, day after day, the sounds of construction so mu..
The spaceship

The spaceship

A Story by Haim Kadman

An excerpt of my 24th book, which is my first science fiction thriller.
The Plebs of a Sentient Code: First Manual

The Plebs of a Sentient Code: First Manual

A Story by L.Krakovitch

Ahoy mateys, have you ever wanted to try something else? I did. And the desire produced a whole parallel universe. Based on which I'm starting a loose..
A little bit of privacy

A little bit of privacy

A Story by Haim Kadman

You can read the 1st 3chap. of each of my 23 books and thrillers in this link: https://www.amazon.com/Haim-Kadman/e/B009Z7XL8C You may read just as ..
A New World

A New World

A Story by Eliza Warring

The Modernization erased the history before it, until they find person behind it.
Deus Ex Machina

Deus Ex Machina

A Poem by Cory Scott

Sci-Fi poem
The Balance Of Powers

The Balance Of Powers

A Book by jawillford

After The War between the Inner City's AI machinery and the outer City's militia, Tanner leaves his empty home to find his father.
The Mechanical Prince

The Mechanical Prince

A Book by Shell Young

After the Great Nuclear War, the human population dwindles down to a few thousand that reside within a dome called New Haven. Rulers are challenged an..
A Monkey Joes for the Weekend

A Monkey Joes for the Weekend

A Story by T.C Matthews

The dome, they've collaborated into triangles. Broadcasting its faint neon spectrum down the busy patrons. Flashy shop outlets were orbiting near the ..
Mechanized: The Novel

Mechanized: The Novel

A Book by Mechanized: On Paper

In a world where robots and machines live together, a dictator harnesses the power of turning man into machine, plunging the North American Continenta..
Seek and Destroy

Seek and Destroy

A Story by Steven Monj

Robots is hunting for a woman, because of what she has done. But do they understand?