Tags : tanka

love memorandums

love memorandums

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

thoughts on today
Cheering Him On

Cheering Him On

A Poem by Ohioman

This tanka poem is about what happens when a couple does something inside a college classroom.
Sharon's Sexual Nightmare

Sharon's Sexual Nightmare

A Poem by Ohioman

In this tanka poem, a woman finds out too late who and what her lover actually is.
There Is A Photo Of You

There Is A Photo Of You

A Poem by Andrew Troy Keller

One person is using this tanka poem to ask a roommate about a certain item that has been found.
Mount Bromo Crater

Mount Bromo Crater

A Poem by Angie Lim

My jab at the Tanka form, inspired when I was at the peak of the recently erupted (2015) Bromo Crater in Surabaya, Indonesia. Looking down at the acti..
Twenty six letters

Twenty six letters

A Poem by Tamika

Twenty six letters Ingredients for power When mixed together They will uplift or destroy


A Poem by Tamika

You are a record, the more often you go round the more scratched you'll get It's time to change the needle
Getting Into The Shower

Getting Into The Shower

A Poem by Ohioman

A woman decides to join her lover in the shower in this tanka poem.
Inside That Bar

Inside That Bar

A Poem by Ohioman

One woman sees what her boyfriend is doing while doing something else with another woman in this tanka poem.
Do You Want To Hump Me?

Do You Want To Hump Me?

A Poem by Ohioman

A man sees what a woman is doing with herself in this tanka poem.
His Wife Came Home And Caught Him

His Wife Came Home And Caught Him

A Poem by Ohioman

A man finds out too late that he really is not in the clear with his wife in this tanka poem.
This One Boat

This One Boat

A Poem by Ohioman

A man uses this tanka poem to describe what he saw while on a fishing trip.


A Poem by Natsumi

A tanka about love


A Poem by Natsumi

A tanka
The Addiction Made Her

The Addiction Made Her

A Poem by Ohioman

The author uses this poem to show all of us that no matter how many times that addict says it, he or she could never be cured.


A Poem by nightdark

Tanka poem *(short poem in Japanese)
What She Made Me Do

What She Made Me Do

A Poem by Ohioman

A guy used this tanka poem to show us what making love to a woman makes him do.