Tags : 2004

Cheating Mind (2004)

Cheating Mind (2004)

A Poem by MC Blodeuwedd

as tears steam down my cheeks i cannot say why my thoughts swirl in mass confusion i cannot think why i think of you and i cry i think of you and..
Guarded (2004)

Guarded (2004)

A Poem by MC Blodeuwedd

Sitting with a sword across my arms in a damp dark basement on a stormy night I wrote what came to mind.
torn heart (2004)

torn heart (2004)

A Poem by MC Blodeuwedd

not my best.. but I write when I'm distressed
Questioning love (2004)

Questioning love (2004)

A Poem by MC Blodeuwedd

confusion still lastsis the grass always greener on the other sidewhen do i stop looking?do i "settle" for long termor do i search for the idealdo i t..
Shadows of Surreal Glory

Shadows of Surreal Glory

A Poem by Ziggy Jagger SpiderFromMa..

This is about a trip I took to Arkansas with a guy who was supposed to "save me" and help me. He ended up being abusive but I wrote this poem before I..
April 3, 2006

April 3, 2006

A Poem by Emily

Andrew just got his first girlfriend
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