Trace of Love

Trace of Love

A Story by Autumn

His athletic arms tightened around my upper waist, and the stronger he compressed me against his naked chest, the more I felt an acute pain on my sid..
Sparking Song

Sparking Song

A Book by Anika_Parisa

After getting bullied for years, a girl tries to prove everyone wrong about the mean things they think of her with the help of her younger sister and..
Travilin' Show

Travilin' Show

A Poem by Wild Willow Blue

I'm in love with a Gypsy..
The Caged Bird

The Caged Bird

A Story by Autumn

This is my story, my real life with an eating disorder. Nothing has been changed, nothing exaggerated. This piece was my assignment to write for my Un..
Is it too much to ask?

Is it too much to ask?

A Story by Mimi Evans

Why have teen magazines gone down the toilet? Or have they always been this way?
Fish and Open Mic Night

Fish and Open Mic Night

A Poem by Thomas Pitre

After a night out "on a small town."
High Deaf

High Deaf

A Story by Stephen J. Vattimo

Humorous short story about cable service.
The Train Going to ...

The Train Going to ...

A Story by Georgina V Solly

Six people take an original train ride.
The Night Feeling

The Night Feeling

A Poem by Isabella Francetti

Let go and move on
Lordplanet.com | Latest Bollywood Movie

Lordplanet.com | Latest Bollywood Movie

A Story by Pulkit Nagar

The process of filmmaking is each Associate in Nursing art Associate in Nursing an business. The foremost common term within the us is picture show, w..
The Apparatus

The Apparatus

A Poem by Daniel Malone

This is a statement on our obsession with the media. Heavy use of internal and multisyllabic rhyme.
Review: Bang Bang movie is a waste of time and money

Review: Bang Bang movie is a waste of time and mon..

A Story by Pulkit Nagar

Within ones very first ten minutes of your movie, your own MI6 hq in London has been broken into, an most-wanted terrorist freed, I..
Save money for playing musical instruments coupons

Save money for playing musical instruments coupons

A Story by Renee Monzo

Display devices, some computer accessories, memory card, modem, laptop, backpacks and more are included. It used to be that you have a wide range of o..
Get instant backlinks for your site - Mspidy social bookmarking site

Get instant backlinks for your site - Mspidy socia..

A Story by William

Yeah, in internet media, getting backlinks fastly is little hard. But some social bookmarking sites are giving backlinks instantly depends your qualit..
Who Is More Powerful?

Who Is More Powerful?

A Chapter by Mix Opinion

Some of my classmates think that entertainment stars are more popular than than politicians and entrepreneurs because stars are famous since they were..
The 70's & 80's

The 70's & 80's

A Poem by Author C E Manor

Music and live concerts

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