Tags : Garden

My Garden

My Garden

A Poem by Maan

I tried to hide myself from them but they are all I have now.
Christ Poem

Christ Poem

A Poem by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

I am using Christ more as a spirit for a few people that I feel embodied Christ-like qualities rather than to Jesus Christ only.


A Poem by Lost in Wonderland

I wonder what it looked like That beautiful garden they’ve told us about With four bubbling, gushing rivers And trees all around that were ..
Eating Fairies in the Garden

Eating Fairies in the Garden

A Poem by Leonidas

Like an old folk tale... the way it is supposed to be.


A Poem by Alma Miller

Short poem #4.


A Poem by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

A poem of longing
Garden of Angels

Garden of Angels

A Poem by Westminster Abbey

I recently went to the cemetary to visit my brother's tree. This is a story of a friend of his.
42 Seconds

42 Seconds

A Poem by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

an experimental emotional trip
Our secret garden

Our secret garden

A Poem by KSKhoury

Relating to others is a feeling of having experienced the same 'thing'


A Story by SheActsLikeSummer

White metal obstructs my view of the flower's bright, silky petals. They say gently in the wind, the breeze's song accompanying their dance. Willowy t..
The Shadows of My Garden

The Shadows of My Garden

A Poem by CNRain

A sestina about youth and freedom.


A Poem by Lorenzo Giardano

I sit here, at the edge of the fountain,wading my fingers into the pool.surrounding me, are the bright colors,of the only things that are not cruel.Th..
Garden of Time

Garden of Time

A Story by Saichiro Wolftotem

An old man reminisces about his childhood and the unrelenting trudge of time.
La Vie En Rose

La Vie En Rose

A Story by Emily Pryor

A short story I wrote earlier this year for class, about...nothing important, really, just a relationship and the choices we make. Lots of quotes.