Tags : Haiku

Purple Poems

Purple Poems

A Poem by Raul Moreno

In relaxing fields,Scented stanzas fill the air:Lavender poems.
Dust Devil

Dust Devil

A Poem by Raul Moreno

Scribbles on the field,Poems fill copper journals:Written by the wind.
Busy Doing What While Watching What?

Busy Doing What While Watching What?

A Poem by Andrew Troy Keller

This twelve word haiku poem is about what it is that one person is doing while watching two friends do something else.
The Heat Inside Them

The Heat Inside Them

A Poem by Ohioman

This haiku poem is about what is building up inside a couple while they are having sex.


A Poem by Taylor B. Vernon

The overall pattern in a toxic relationship; the dynamic...
The best Haikus are

The best Haikus are

A Poem by M A R C U S (aesthetic)

The best Haikus areaccidental, this wasn’tmuch of an accident.
What Holly Saw

What Holly Saw

A Poem by Ohioman

One woman sees something while doing something else with another woman in this haiku poem.
In The Video

In The Video

A Poem by Ohioman

This haiku poem shows us what a woman sees herself doing in a home video... and the aftermath.
Frog Songs

Frog Songs

A Poem by Raul Moreno

On a lily stage,Starts the concert of the frogs:Evening melodies.
Haiku 1

Haiku 1

A Poem by gabiaimee

Bay Area


A Poem by gabiaimee

Written on the back of my political science final last semester.
Dolphin Waltz

Dolphin Waltz

A Poem by Raul Moreno

Music of the waves,Sequence dancers take the stage:Pacific ballroom.
Sunset Tango

Sunset Tango

A Poem by Ty

Sunset Tango


A Poem by Ty



A Poem by Gaia Octavia

Puzzle of nature Dripping with sticky treasure Always worth the risk


A Poem by Ty



A Poem by Ty

The Solidarity of a Poet

The Solidarity of a Poet

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

Bleeding ink from my fingertips, my heart pours out to you. Word for word it lingers, drips; a snow white canvas tainted. I plead my words, a solemn d..
Alaskan Wolves

Alaskan Wolves

A Poem by Ty

Alaskan Wolves