Tags : Icarus

Where Angels Fly

Where Angels Fly

A Poem by Chaos Stone

Could I?


A Poem by Chelsea Marie

Ere the sun rises in the east,Dawn brings with itThe gentle call of spring.Long lost are the memories of frost.Spread your wings, o’ child of ea..
The Fall of Icarus

The Fall of Icarus

A Poem by Hannah

Inspired by the Greek myth of Icarus and his fall, as well as the painting "The Fall of Icarus" by Pieter Bruegel.
How is Daedalus judged?

How is Daedalus judged?

A Poem by Catherine

a short quick poem about Icarus
icarus downtrodden

icarus downtrodden

A Poem by itsquietuptown

what it means to reach for something unobtainable; what it means to be unloved.
In Defense of Icarus

In Defense of Icarus

A Poem by Anastasia Cosma

A personal take on an old legend, and how we are all more similar to the stories than we thought.
Icarus Narrative

Icarus Narrative

A Poem by RannunculusBlooms

A couple of original haikus inspired by the story of Icarus and Daedalus


A Poem by toza

what if icarus was saved by apollo?
The Other Version of Icarus

The Other Version of Icarus

A Poem by Lin

Look up the Myth of Icarus if you don’t know what it is before reading!


A Poem by Lost

Icarus flew too close to the sunHe thought she was beautifulUnderthe spell of her brightnessRarely did he venture into the sky but he didn't mindTakin..
As the Sun: You and I

As the Sun: You and I

A Poem by Natalie

Just another "if."
Icarus: The Cursed Mural

Icarus: The Cursed Mural

A Story by Abishai100

This is a mythology allusion about the tragically ambitious Icarus (who flew too close to the sun on his wax wings!), transported to 2020 L.A., and fi..
Finally to Burn (the Descent of Icarus)

Finally to Burn (the Descent of Icarus)

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Athena takes mesometimes by both handsand we go levitatingthrough strange Dreamlandswhere Apollo sleepsin his dark forgettingand Passion seemslike a w..
Icarus, Resurrected

Icarus, Resurrected

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Finally to Burn(the Fall and Resurrection of Icarus)byMichael R. BurchAthena takes mesometimes by both handsand we go levitatingthrough strange Dreaml..
Southern Icarus

Southern Icarus

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Southern Icarusby Michael R. BurchWindborne, lover of heights,unspooled from the truck’s wildly lurching embrace,you climb, skittish kite . . .W..
Rejection Slips

Rejection Slips

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Rejection SlipsWith over 5,700 publications if I count poems that have gone viral, I suppose I shouldn’t complain … but I do have some po..