Tags : Politcs

Just round midnight

Just round midnight

A Story by MoriartyMesa

With a great deal of recent events and reading many comments on what is happening in The Muslim World. I am breaking my normal tone.


A Poem by John Kyle

A rant aginst censorship
Quod Erat Demonstrandum Et Cui Bono?

Quod Erat Demonstrandum Et Cui Bono?


False flags abound in Britain's colonial and post-colonial history
Ritualistic Drawing

Ritualistic Drawing

A Poem by Indra's Child

I was drawing in class one day,When I was supposed to be listening--to the lies, about how our country was the best.I was sleeping on my desk one day,..
The Good Sameritan?

The Good Sameritan?

A Poem by NMakanju

He wore white shorts. Here's a fifty for your pen. He wore white shorts and a watch.Here's a hundred for your specs. He now wore slacks and a b..
October Years

October Years

A Story by Dr. Tim Williams

In just a few years the United States ceased being a nation worthy of respect