Tags : Problems

My Biggest Fear

My Biggest Fear

A Poem by Ian Faraway

We're all our own monster
Journal Entry 5

Journal Entry 5

A Story by bre

I don't remember where I left off last entry, but like always it doesn't matter. I'm in love currently and hopefully from this point on I will always ..


A Chapter by R. Bartilet

The Beginning
You Were My Broken Heart and I Was Your Nothing

You Were My Broken Heart and I Was Your Nothing

A Poem by Artes

This is a song about a relationship that I still cannot get over.


A Poem by Kratika`s Rythem

Imagine how much life would be easierif we had an on and off switch for our feelings and emotions?We wouldn't have to suffer as much.We wouldn't have ..
My Reasoning:

My Reasoning:

A Story by Speak in Silence

This is why I left:
Dé Ja Vu...

Dé Ja Vu...

A Poem by DarkRainbowPie

Self harm doesn't seem to be taken seriously anymore. It isn't some silly phase, it's an addiction. You can't just ask people to stop, it's not that e..


A Poem by mireyalucia

I wrote this a while ago, not sure what I was thinking...


A Poem by Amber "Victoriomantic" Ha..

A quick poem about a quick-fix wish for problem-solving.
Blame it on Sex

Blame it on Sex


Why not, we blame everything else in life for our problems real or imagined.
Teenage Tantrums

Teenage Tantrums

A Poem by headoverheart

the teenage years are never over
This ain't Easy

This ain't Easy

A Poem by bruisesandbrokenteeth

a poem i wrote for everyone
passage; thoughts from a starving artist

passage; thoughts from a starving artist

A Story by bree grey

Mad thoughts from a starving artist. Paint splatters on a canvas junkie can be hell on the brain, and grammatical errors on a three am literary rant c..


A Chapter by Ethale Captor

“Problems are a fact of life, but worry is a choice.”