Tags : Reflection

Think it, Dig It

Think it, Dig It

A Poem by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

A reflection on mortality
Mirror on the wall

Mirror on the wall

A Poem by Melodie. M.

a reflection of conflicting thoughts


A Poem by adisaurajsen

On and on and on it went,statements meandered through my mind.A giggle here, a chatter there.I don't know how I dined!A splash of water is what I need..


A Poem by SJ

A snapshot of one's frame of mind.
Sky Above Clouds

Sky Above Clouds

A Poem by Opposed Kings

An ekphrastic poem based on Georgia O'Keefe's series of the same name.
Dropped the Shame

Dropped the Shame

A Chapter by J. Viands

Now as your remains lay in their final resting place I reflect back on our shared pain You ignored your own to take care of mine You held me ..
A Reflection Consisting of Grammatical Errors.

A Reflection Consisting of Grammatical Errors.

A Story by JMPoach

A short confession based on both fact and fiction.
More Than I Can Say

More Than I Can Say

A Poem by Melobldnfr

Even as we voice our differences!
Somewhere Beneath

Somewhere Beneath

A Poem by Adam Crate

For years a man was diggingDeep inside a mine He never found any treasure but it occupied his mind When old age caught up with himHe came out t..
Reflection in the Mirror

Reflection in the Mirror

A Poem by Emily

The reflection in the mirror,Sad it seems,Like I know this face,Tears flowing like streams,Windows painted over,The light is warm like a soft embrace,..
The Old Man and the Clock

The Old Man and the Clock

A Story by Spiral Architect

Tick, tick...the seconds of the old man's life roll away and the cavities are filled with doubt. Maybe it was worth it all: the war, the heartbreak, t..
Scared of the Mirror

Scared of the Mirror

A Poem by CountryInside

Just a little note
Miserable Mirror

Miserable Mirror

A Poem by Trillian

A poem about depression.
Ghost of a Spider

Ghost of a Spider

A Poem by CLUTZ

I killed a spider two days ago then yesterday there was a spider in the exact same spot as the one I killed and I freaked out for a moment thinking th..