Tags : Samael



A Story by Tracy

How I long to crush your bones and feel the weight of your flesh gripped beneath tightly clenched fists. I have dived within this realm time and ti..
Rise of a Warrior

Rise of a Warrior

A Book by maddy9567

War has come; Angels and demons roam Earth, searching for one who is said to change their worlds and ours, one who is prophesied to bring peace.
A Glimpse of Death

A Glimpse of Death

A Story by Rococopay

Ashlyn, a young teen from Washington state, recently moved has found a nice group of friends. Only these good friends have, bad intentions.
Twisted Wings

Twisted Wings

A Poem by Samael

Twisted wings, like rose thorns-Intertwining around my chest-Tightening my blood with angerBroken wings, wicked with desire-Reaching for clenched fist..