Tags : Transcendental

Transcendental Sentiment

Transcendental Sentiment

A Poem by Elle B. T.

Love can be the greatest force in the universe.
Fall Out

Fall Out

A Poem by Jacob Mann

A poem I like to use for spoken word at slams.
Simply Together

Simply Together

A Poem by Alexander Stark

This is the first time I have ever really expressed myself as a man with desires. I avoided the subject of sensuality with an audiance so big, but ton..


A Poem by Gus

Let your soul be like a candleThat handles strong emotionsLet the bright light untangleThe nods of your notionsAllow its simplicityTo light up your sp..
Ontologizing symbolization or Figuration

Ontologizing symbolization or Figuration

A Story by psisatyr

I have analyzed the history of metaphors through existential philsophy and post -structuralism. I have an able to arrive at various process of experie..
Phone Sex

Phone Sex

A Poem by Alessander

I want you to close your eyesVisualize Hand over breast Until your palm thumpsWhat you feel transfigures the physicalWhat we have transcends the sultr..
This Moment

This Moment

A Poem by Wild Yogi

On time and the mind's perception


A Poem by Philalethes

A short piece set in a desert but whose meaning is universal.
cooked Eyes and broken Sliver

cooked Eyes and broken Sliver

A Poem by NonsenseTyper

Cooked eyes and broken silver mountains add up to a fraction of a second in the lifespan of a living organism of dust. Swifting through the endless vo..