Tags : crime



A Book by NickAbo

Dresden Miles is the city's main detective. As the stress piles onto his team and the time runs short, how will he manage to deal with the strange cas..
Backstab Chapter I

Backstab Chapter I

A Chapter by NickAbo

It was too cold a night for Dresden, making him pull his ripped leather jacket even closer to his body. The street was empty, few lamp posts sho..


A Story by Sincerely, A.D

What does Jenny gain?
Jeremy Christian

Jeremy Christian

A Story by Jostein Kasse

Upon first visiting Oregon I had found it pleasing to learn that the state was considered a liberal state. I wouldn’t have become involved ..


A Book by Mika Franolich

Just something I'm working on in those moments when I have writers block with my other book. All rights reserved.


A Book by West

A Crime Novella in progress about two uneasy friends caught on the wrong side of the law for very different reasons.
Dorado Chapters I & II

Dorado Chapters I & II

A Chapter by West

First two chapters (1.5 really) of a crime novella I've started. Mostly just working on building the characters and relationship right now, but welcom..
The Guests Arrive

The Guests Arrive

A Chapter by hailey_forever101

A woman deep in a forest with only a mansion, a dog, butler, and a dungeon, invites 10 guests to her home. what could she be planning?


A Book by tREEs

Warm regards, tREEs
I have no Sympathy

I have no Sympathy

A Poem by Nomkhumbulwa

Written to express my feelings towards the person who assaulted me.
Picked Up A New Vice

Picked Up A New Vice

A Poem by Ohioman

This four stanza etheree poem is about a guy giving up one vice only to gain a new one.