Tags : despondent

Drawing rubies.

Drawing rubies.

A Poem by SilentVerses

When lead replaces the marrow of your skeleton, how do you carry on with the symphony of fake emotions


A Poem by Andy Monster

Typical sob story of a girlfriend who broke up with me. Originally wrote as lyrics.
Dream to Peace

Dream to Peace

A Poem by Hello, Goodbye

random digressing
The Surrender

The Surrender

A Poem by exotic flotsam

A poem about prostitutes.
Chance and Circumstance

Chance and Circumstance

A Book by O.V. Hudson

As the U.S. crumbles under economic instability the educated, like Woodson, betray their morals, act through necessity and try to deflect their own gu..
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by O.V. Hudson

The makings of a plan begin to take shape as Woodson runs through his mind how it should all play out.
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by O.V. Hudson

This chapter relays the events that actually occur as they happen from an unbiased third person perspective.


A Poem by Fanicia E.

Six in the morning the house is at rest But the way my mind works is that it stays at unrest Actively turning the cogs in my mind Everything I loat..