Tags : direct

6 Sentences on defining a sense for this

6 Sentences on defining a sense for this

A Story by L'Enfant Terrible

I remember the other day when pills were at the top of their effects so the world was in a slow down and seeemed like a peaceful yet boring place to b..
"The Blister Effect"

"The Blister Effect"

A Poem by stephen dillon

just my take on humanities blight in a more horrorcentric way
Soulmates don't exist.

Soulmates don't exist.

A Poem by sherni

Falling in love with a single person is a natural conspiracy. I don't believe in soulmates or the "meant-to-be-together" crap. We've got so much love ..
Watch the Specter

Watch the Specter

A Poem by dan

a ghost-like interloper controls and directs his newly subservient minions
Caged Time

Caged Time

A Poem by Oveane

For if they know not time and they feel not its veins, then lest it be known that they may never feel death.
A Tree House

A Tree House

A Poem by Satish Verma

The rubble was still rising after the direct hit. The
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