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Tags : disability

The Peacemaker

The Peacemaker

A Story by Agyani

'Azan' is the prayer call for Muslims. A fictionalized version of a true event.
“You don’t know”

“You don’t know”

A Poem by Bree Orlock

A poem about those with hidden medical conditions that hurt them and no one seems to want to believe are real.
Sympathetic (sorry-for-myself)

Sympathetic (sorry-for-myself)

A Poem by PatrickPink

Currently, I'm dealing with a broken ankle and shattered bones in my foot. Just some thoughts I've had since.
Looking for Disability Shower Chairs

Looking for Disability Shower Chairs

A Story by Charles Riley

If perhaps you have a relative that’s disabled, injured or perhaps is in a wheelchair and can’t stand, check out the many diverse kinds of..
The G-Word

The G-Word

A Chapter by Wathanya.5KY3

Journal! Journal!Screw pleasantries! I met with the doc yesterday, changed everything...but also nothing.Ok. I'm getting excited and ahead of..
Story of My Life

Story of My Life

A Story by J Hall

A first person account of a difficult life, overcome.
Re: The G-Word

Re: The G-Word

A Chapter by Wathanya.5KY3

Dear Wathanya,There's always time and space for pleasantries, in my humble opinion.About the doc, I think it's good that they told you that. I think y..
The Way I Feel

The Way I Feel

A Poem by LeslieNoel

Living with a learning disability can be frustrating at times.
Prologue: Bubbles

Prologue: Bubbles

A Chapter by Wathanya.5KY3

Saturday, July 24th 14:53 (Kanta)“Is that the one with your toys?” Sera, my only girlfriend currently, pointed at the smaller of the two..
1. a^2 + b^2 = c^2

1. a^2 + b^2 = c^2

A Chapter by Wathanya.5KY3

I had arrived at Qing Jiang�"a restaurant Robyn picked for this pre-orgy meeting�"a little earlier than I calculated, so I w..
Paper List

Paper List

A Poem by DarkStar

This is probably a load of rubbish, but I had to get the feelings out somewhere. I'm sorry
Sounds and Vibrations

Sounds and Vibrations

A Book by Plevy

"Vibrations." She put her hand to my throat, touching the tips of her fingers to where my larynx is. "Let her learn the vibrations of your voice, the ..
Prologue: Lasting Peace

Prologue: Lasting Peace

A Chapter by Kay

After nearly dying in the arctic, former navy lieutenant Owen Wild has a late-night talk with his wife. Hits at the tragedy and adventure to come. Les..
A Passing Ship

A Passing Ship

A Story by Kamnats

The story of a special child and the relationship she shares with her mother
A Glimpse of Julian Dombrowski at Age Fifteen

A Glimpse of Julian Dombrowski at Age Fifteen

A Poem by Evyn Rubin

Posting this in memory of my friend and poetry colleague, Julian Dombrowski (1982-2020)
Through the Window

Through the Window

A Poem by Melinda McQueen

Through the Window When I was a little girl I sat in the window And watched the kids play. They laughed and ran so. ..
Keep Walking

Keep Walking

A Poem by Richard M

I remember the day so clearly, she came into my hospital room, sitting on the bed she asked, “How important is walking to you?&rdqu..