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Tags : emotion

An Easter Egg - The Conversation

An Easter Egg - The Conversation

A Poem by DarkStar

*Warning for bad language* Maybe not a poem, just a conversation I had that I thought was worth sharing.


A Poem by ArynWater

They say depression is all in your head. They’re right. And that’s pretty terrifying considering it’s my only point of reference.
The Way You Make Me Feel

The Way You Make Me Feel

A Poem by Peyton Ritter

The speaker feels so deeply for a person, but doesn't know if the person she feels so deeply for understands that.


A Poem by anthony blake

You are Human

You are Human

A Poem by RevolutionRen

A little poem. A lady is telling the love of her life that's it's okay to show emotion, despite the stigma men get when they do.
Painful Truth

Painful Truth

A Poem by RWT199026

Here we go, Troubled times through which it shows. Blame me not, My words come off like a gunshot. Maybe a lot to take in, Why can't this just be..


A Poem by Gaia Octavia

There's got to be more than this This gnawing gut of swallowed words This withered soul of rotten thoughts This selfless self, lost to what o..
Gods & Fear, Gods & Fear

Gods & Fear, Gods & Fear

A Poem by Gaia Octavia

Oh, unholy wickedness, you beast with claws sunk in my heart Sent to deliver faith to flourish in this bitter desert, this comfortless darknes..
You There

You There

A Poem by Gaia Octavia

Can't you see me? Here, behind these lines of ink? Do you see? Do you recognize my pain? My joy? Tell me. Tell me that you see a little life. A l..


A Poem by gabiaimee

I will not cry.
My Angel

My Angel

A Poem by lijoabrahamblog (Lijo Abr..

“If you were not courageous, if you were not ready to bear the extra pain, my existence would have been uncertain, I would have never got a name..
I Remember

I Remember

A Poem by Dillon

The door opening, closing, Words spoken, then absence, I can infer the ruffling of the covers under me, My feet hitting the floor, I remember. ..


A Poem by Invisible Ink



A Poem by kelvin

Poetry is forever